Daily Archives: January 6, 2008

Before you jump into juice fast, you need to get the science behind why it works. You may be excited about starting your fast but go slow and study first building momentum for the journey ahead.
As a teenager, I tried water fasti

Before you start fasting, take some time to think about why you are fasting. Jesus did not fast to lose weight. He was to be stripped naked, and hung bleeding on a Cross. His purpose in fasting was for the strength to complete

When I was younger, I studied the writings of Confucius, The Tibetan Book of The Dead, Buddhism, Astrology, Tarot and every interesting and weird philosophy I could find. Playing bass for a heavy metal band called Black Mass, I

When I mention the benefits of fasting to Christians, I often hear the statement, I have not been called to fast and when I am, I will fast. They talk as if fasting is like going on a mission to a jungle. In reality, every Chr

When life wanes into the hollow darkness of death, it will not be the parties, victories, trophies or empires we built that will fill our thoughts but the last embrace of the ones we love. One last tear-filled moment to share.

Money, medications, material possessions, achievements, good deeds or perfect living cannot buy a clear conscience.It is easy to make excuses, but if you do not believe your own lie, it will be powerless to sooth your conscien

Most people have toxic thoughts filled with negativity, pride and false expectations, stemming from the pain of childhood. When I first saw the futility of my thinking process, the only conclusion I could come to was that I wa

Spiritual emptiness plagues the souls of our modern society. Crafted veneers cover up how we really feel, because, to be honest is to admit we’re suffering inside. It is easier to ignore the cry of the heart and suppress it

Fasting is not a pathway to God. You do not need a path to God. He is with you now. You can’t get any closer than He is to you right now.
He knows your every thought, the number of hairs on your head and the workings of e

A man once bought a very expensive suit for a formal occasion. On the way to the event, an ash fell from his burning cigarette onto his lap. Before he noticed it, the ash burned a hole through both the suit coat and the pants. I

Addiction holds its position in our life through misconceptions, fallacies and illusions. To quit any addiction, you have to strip away the misconceptions, fallacies and illusions and see truth.
To break misconceptions, fal

If you are trying to quit coffee, don't hang around coffee shops. If you are trying not to eat junk, don't leave it in the house. If you have to drive to the store for chocolate, it becomes more difficult to satisfy the desire

In observing people, looking for clues as to how to develop self-discipline, I was struck by a common denominator. Disciplined people create structure in their lives. A healthy, structured lifestyle, whether coming naturally or

The food industry has perfected addictive foods by adding lots of salt, fats, processed sugar and artificial flavor enhancers. Once in the blood, what was a delicious treat becomes tomorrow’s craving. These daily cravings be

The liver can become toxic due to abuse. If the liver is badly degenerated, cleansing must be done in stages. Start with short juice fasts and then increase to fast over five days. A veggie juice combination with lemons and be

Fasting is amazing for healing kidney problems.
However, fasting can irritate damaged kidneys due to the amount of toxins they filter. Try short juice fasts of 3-to-5 days before progressing to longer fasts. To maintain the h

Diabetics can juice fast using slices of bananas and avocados to balance the blood sugar level. Spirulina is also exceedingly beneficial for balancing blood sugar levels. The trick to balancing blood sugar levels is drink sm

Include bananas and avocados when juice fasting to balance the blood sugar level.Toxins in the blood and reduced blood sugar levels may cause a weak heart to labor.Like any other organ, the heart needs nutrients, a toxin-free

I once damaged my back and, due to excruciating pain, could not move, so I entered a seven-day water fast. It hurt every day of the fast; then, when I broke the fast, the back pain vanished. I went immediately back to construc

Are there any conditions that restrict fasting?
There is no such thing as being too old to fast—it is exactly what the body needs to feel young again.Shorter fasts are recommended to start.Assess your physical state as you

It is wise to consult your doctor regarding the effect of fasting combined with your medication. If you must take medication, take it with juice on a juice fast, to protect the stomach. Do not water fast while on medication.

We have a tendency to think the body as clean, and, except for the common cold or a virus. the blood is sterile, but this is the furthest thing from the truth. After observing live blood using a dark-field microscope, I know t

The brain is made up of trillions of cells. Three thousand psychoactive chemicals allow the brain to react to outside stimulus. More than fifty psychoactive substances activate aggression, sedation and memory. The brain can perfor

After my first 30-day juice fast, I was hooked and did two more 30-day fasts consecutively, eating for 10 days in between. From drug addiction to being a health zealot was a definite improvement, but my approach remained the sa

A person fasting 40 days on water will not suffer a deficiency of protein, vitamins, minerals or essential fatty acids. In the breakdown of unhealthy cells, all essential substances, which are mostly protein, are reused and co