Kim Lee. Lost 21lbs. Healed caffeine addiction, high blood p .:.

It has been month of hard days, heat, risk in the fight to heal a the Nation Of Papua New
In June 2005 The Journal of Nanobiotechnology, published a ten page study of a study w
Temporary Fasting of 48 to 60 Hours, Shields Healthy Cells, While Chemo Drugs Target Can
Fasting is an altered state of metabolism where the body refines the conservation of r
Female - (37 yrs) HEALTH CONCERNS: 1. Per medical diagnosis, a case of SEVERE osteop
It has been month of hard days, heat, risk in the fight to heal a the Nation Of Papua New
I think I have kidney damage from lovastatin therapy for 6 months. I interested in inpu
I have just finished a 10-day water fast, and I seek answers to some problems I have encou
I have fasted in the past on water, the longest was 17 days. After that fast I felt abdo
The master cleanse diet is created by Stanley Burroughs in 1941. But only in 1976, he
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Recent Comments
Day 5
To help with the bming, you can drink some Smooth Moves tea, its by the people who make th
by HKali
Breaking An Extended Fast
Dave, I'm very glad to be of help to you! Keep in mind that muscle also needs more energy
by Ron
Breaking An Extended Fast
Great, thank you so much! The reason I was so worried is because I'm still 20 lbs over we
by dave
Breaking An Extended Fast
Hi Dave, it is natural to put on 8-12lbs after an extended fast. If you are weight trainin
by Ron
Can I Fast after Gastric Bypas
Hi chyara, Stick to herb and veggie juices. You can add an apple or banana for some extra
by Ron
Juice Fasting Day 8
Congrats! Am also starting a juice fast in 2days 90kgs i want 2 shed extra kg. Tha
by Lucie23
Can I Fast after Gastric Bypas
I too have an RnY gastric bypass close to my 6yr mark. 60lb regain, had a baby 3yrs ago.
by chyara
Breaking An Extended Fast
So I've been doing pretty good so far breaking my fast. I've been eating 4oz of chobani
by dave
Nicotine Cigarette Tobacco Add
Hi Jen, I've never heard that smoking killed anyone during a fast. But, trying to rid your
by Ron
Nicotine Cigarette Tobacco Add
I am interested in starting a 30-45 day juice fast and feel like I've done a lot of resear
by JenTravels