The Rudolf Breuss Cancer Cure is the most wildly acclaimed treatment for cancer. His book has sold over 900,000 copies, been translated into five languages, offering simple and effective healing prescription for cancer and chron

Protein Loss During Fasting is a Myth
Protein loss during fasting is a fear to some people. They believe that it is harmful and that a fast should be supplemented with protein. I have tried whey and soy protein powders and shak

Overeating after fasting is a common problem. Here are some ideas to deal with overeating after fasting from a person having problems with overeating after fasting.
I would like to do a water fast for healing and weight los

Juice and water fasting 40 days.
Weight loss 100lbs.
Roughly four years ago I was 60 pounds overweight and very sick from intestinal toxicity and a liver condition that was getting worse.
Also suffered from deep depressio

Soul Searching is Triggered by Fasting
Soul searching can start within hours of fasting. Water fasting is a powerful spiritual trigger and the big questions rise to the surface of conscious quickly. With juice fasting, it may

Some find fasting easy and fast for 30 days on juice for their first fast. Others have a hard time getting past two days. Just do your best. Your fasting journey will not be without failures. It is only through failures that you c

I can't count the number of my failed fasting attempts. They were more than the successes. Each one had their reason. Sometimes it was stress, worry or an event. Sometimes I blew the fast because I talked myself out of the fast.