We tried the fasting buddy system for a year and although many fasters were looking for a buddy few contacted each other. What works is to create a progress report. It get sent to all users emails. It keeps your information or

Chokeberries are not commercially grown in the UK..
The compounds which give certain fruit and vegetables their dark color may contain powerful cancer fighting properties, US research suggests.
Studies on rats and human

Fasting depletes the beneficial bacteria because large quantities of toxins are dumped from the lymph glands into the colon. There is little food substance left on which the bacteria can live. Using the enema kit also depletes t

The main benefit offered by a fast, to those who wish to lose weight is the speed of the weight loss. To see a person drop 30-to-40 pounds in a 30-day juice fast is to see a person totally transform his life. Self-esteem is give

Fasting Boosts the Immune System
Fasting has various effects on the immune system. Juice fasting maximizes the ability of your immune system. This immune enhancement is due to three factors.
The absense of the burden of d

Daily Water Intake For Fasting
Drink according to the needs of your body. It is common to drink only 2-3 glasses of water per day. The concept of drinking large amounts of water to flush out toxins is not valid. During water fast