I am 44, 5'-10", 240 pounds. My ideal weight is about 185. I smoke a pipe, but do not inhale. I am a recovering alcoholic, and have not drank alcohol in 4 months.
Medical Condition
I am about 50 - 60 pounds overweight, with mi

I am proud to announce that I am embarking on another 40 day water fast. I can say I slowly refed my body from my previous 40 day water fast in which I lost over 40 pounds! Now I am happy to say I'm doing another one! I have

I suffer from gout attacks occasionally. The last one has been the worst in ball of right foot. I have juiced fasted for 3o days before but not for gout problems just general detox.
With latest attack was on colcheciene but dec

scared of migraine attack at start of fast

Hi everyone. I am a 21 year old female, 5ft 7in and 130lbs. I started my 1st day of fasting today and stumbled across this website. think its amazing that you all support each other and share daily blogs. Today iv only had tea an