Monthly Archives: March 2010

To perform a salt water flush, first thing in the morning, mix one quart of lukewarm water with two tablesspoons of sea salt. Drink the entire concoction before you have eaten any food. Within one hour you should have several

Fasting is an altered state of metabolism where the body refines the conservation of resources. Juice fasting is a state of controlled catabolism, breaking down sick, diseased and dying tissues to create a foundation for healt

The Tian Xian (pronounced "Dianne Sean") products are herbal dietary supplements. The active herbal ingredients aims to control, inhibit and destroy cancer cells. It's function is complementary to that of western therapies.

A study at Intermountain Medical Center shows a link between fasting and a lower rate of heart disease. Researchers are now conducting another study to determine why.
The first study was conducted to find out why people who are

Master Cleanse History
The Master Cleanse, also known as the Lemon Cleanse and the Maple Syrup Diet, is a body and mind detoxification program created by alternative medicine performer Stanley Burroughs in 1941. In the mid-nineti

This time I am now on day 7 of my water fast and aiming for 10 days water fast and then switch to juicing for 20 to 30 more days (have not decided yet).
If I had cancer I would not want to know and if I did know I would not let

I am interested in fasting, but I have lymphedema. For those who don't know, it is an accumulation of lymph fluid in my leg. The lymph nodes filter waste and toxins from the fluid. I’ve done A LOT of research and found that ma

I was fasting for therapeutic issues for 8 days juice fast + 1 day (today) water fasting. Tomorrow I will break the fast.
Right now I look very skinny and I used to go to the gym 6 days a week, so I lost a lot of muscles in

Juice fasting with calcium rich juices will help boost calcium levels and assist your body in healing.
Broccoli: A cup of Broccoli contains about 180 mg of calcium.
Kale Cabbage: This is a type of cabbage which is most ben

I have started my fast today. I have reduced my medication ( citalopram) to 10mg per day and intend to phase this out over the next 2 weeks.
Reasons For Fasting
I recently separated from my husband - who had an affair I disc

Medically, a case of SEVERE osteoporosis / Osteomalacia - with 60 percent bone loss (somehow I feels those terminological labels are just labels- I don't really identify with them though that may be the medical w

I’m 6ft 250lbs and 35 years of age and this is my first juice fast. Well this is my first fast ever! I already started the fast and I’m currently on my fifth day and I have lost 12lbs.
I have a lot of questions because I

I am a 46 yr old female who had gastric bypass 3 years ago. I lost 110lbs, but have since gained about 25 back. I started water fasting 5 days ago, for religious reasons, but happened upon your site, and have gone out and bought a

I am preparing for a juice fast. I am taking two weeks to prepare as I need to come off anti-depression medication slowly. I believe I am low on iron supplies. Currently I am taking iron tablets from the health food shop and incre

1. I’m 22 years old
2.I’m 6′1″ & 152 lbs
3. I need advice on the best fast for my lifestyle!
4. I have done 3 day water fasts & 3 day master cleanses every now & then.
5.My reasons for wanting to fast vary:

I am preparing to start a juice/water fast. I want to do this for various reasons. First and foremost, I really need to cleanse my body. I have struggled with addictions for most of my life (food, coffee, alcohol) and I am t

I've been wanting to fast but haven't since I found out I was HIV positive.
I haven't eaten red meat in over 35 years. Never smoke,nor drugs nor drank. However the medications has made me gain weight in addition to me eating

There is a Health Center in Michigan that is doing a medically supervised fast in April (the Rudolf Steiner Health Center in Ann Arbor). Participants can choose to do juice or water and there is an alternative MD supervising.

My sister has Lymphoma cancer, how can this program help her and also you mentioned that just doing this program might not be enough, what do you mean, what else will she need to do, Chemo???
I have clearly seen many a

There are two ways to share information and ask questions making a comment and a post.
How To : The make a post you log in and look for "posts"/"add new"
Title: It should be relevant to the text below. I commonly change

Age: 22
Weight and Height: 150 lbs 5'7"
Type of Fast: Juice
Any past experience with fasting: nope
Reason for the Fast: detox, lose weight, start over
Health Issues: nope
Pre-fast diet: hmm, coffee until 6 pm, crac

Is it ok to do a water fast while taking bipolar medications?
Age: 25
Weight and Height: 5'11, 145
Type of Fast: water
Any past experience with fasting: One 3 week water fast per year for the past 4 years
Reason for the Fast:

The scientific field has been the scene for much contention about whether fasting health has a place in maintaining your body. Some alternative healers feel that fasting also benefits the soul of the person who fasts. Technica

Would you recommend doing a shorter 'practise fast' before embarking on a 30 day juice fast? I'm slightly nervous about the detox symptoms. I'm 22 years old, 168cm tall and about 75kg. I'm also totally new to fasting. I've been re

My name is Ashley. I'm 26 years old. 157 cm and 55 kg. I'm on my 30 days of juice fasting. Today is day 24. This is the first time I fast. The reason I am fasting because I have a problem with my legs. Five years ago. I gave birth