Daily Archives: March 3, 2010

Would you recommend doing a shorter 'practise fast' before embarking on a 30 day juice fast? I'm slightly nervous about the detox symptoms. I'm 22 years old, 168cm tall and about 75kg. I'm also totally new to fasting. I've been re

My name is Ashley. I'm 26 years old. 157 cm and 55 kg. I'm on my 30 days of juice fasting. Today is day 24. This is the first time I fast. The reason I am fasting because I have a problem with my legs. Five years ago. I gave birth

I am 8 days into a green juice fast and my body is now more acidic (7.5 to a 6.5) than when I started ?? I am not sure what to attribute that to and the only thing I can think of is that my body is ingesting some of the waste that

Bad Breath is healed by juice fasting.
Hi Tom,
I would like to know if a 30 day juice fast would cure my bad breath. I have been living with a strong odor coming from my throat for such a long time now. I have tried every

Age: 27
Sex: Female
Original Weight: 144
Original BMI: 21.9
Height: 5′8″
Planned fasting time: 12 days
Fasting type: Fresh Juice and Water on different days
Reasons: Mind body and spirit to be healthy and whole

"Heart conditions can be cured by juice fasting."
I have been juicing sporadically for quite some time, with my Breville compact juicer. I am about 50 - 60 pounds overweight, with mild depression, anxiety, mild to

This is day 3 of a 40-day water fast for me.
I have been overweight my entire life, and the battle has taken me in many directions.
I recently removed a section of my colon due to diverticulitis. I experience IBS symptoms fr

Back Pain is common during water fasting if there was a past injury.
Hey Tom,
I was planning on doing a long water only fast, however by the 5th day I was having terrible back pain. I was so upset that I was going to quit,

Ten days into fasting and have some questions and concerns. This is my first fast. I started for a few days on water, then to fresh fruit and Veggie juice. I recently added fresh whole fruit and yesterday did vegetable soup, wi

Hello. I'm trying to get myself back in good health after surgery and Chemo (8 treatments total). I know I must detox immediately to rid my body of toxins and rebuild my immune system. From what I've read from EVERYONE i

Last year I did a 11 day fast and was absolutely impressed with the results. Felt so good. on day seven I swear I looked like i took 10 years off my face. I want to do another long fast but on my 3rd day when i would go on my walk

Keith or Tom - I spent a week winding down my eating with only raw food and then enjoyed a 19 day fast (with no loss of energy) followed by a week of raw foods at 400-600 calaries per day. Your words of wisdom inspired me al

1. Starting juice fast tomorrow! So glad to have found your web site and hear the audios. Thank you. Chiropractor had done a fast before and that got me to thinking. He lost 60 pounds in 45 days. Doing it for my health and to lo

My father, age 60, has recently torn something in his knee and is planning to have surgery performed on it soon.
Thank you for all your help!
Fasting helps reduce inflammation and pain caused by any joint o