Monthly Archives: May 2010

I'm on 72 hours now of a complete water fast and so far I have not had any bodily signs of hunger (sure I crave food). I believe that is suppose to happen in Day 1 and 2 but I have not been uncomfortable at all. My energy leve

Reasons for Fasting: Severe health issues/weight loss/cleansing
Intended Length of Fast: 1 month
Name: Tiana Phillips
User Name: Woodrose7
City, State and Country: Lake Oswego, Or USA
Sex: F
Age: 60

I was told when I was pregnent with my second child that I have HPV( human papillomavirus).
Can jucie fasting cure that virus?
Answer By Tom Coghill
Human papillomavirus (pap-ah-LO-mah-VYE-rus) (HPV) is the most comm

Intended Length of Fast: 40 Days--beginning June 1st
First Name: Janet
Site User Name: janet
City, State and Country: Seattle, WA USA
Sex: Female
Age: 56
Weight: 335 at present (360 all time high on 5/10/10)
Height: 6’0

I am Maya and I live in India. I have been visiting this site for a few days now trying to make up my mind on fasting - to start or not to start, what sort of fast to do - juice or water. My aim is to primarily lose weight - 172.7

I have been water fasting for just 8 days now but the last few days I find it is difficult for me to drink the 120-150 oz of water I drank in the beginning. Day 6 only 32 oz. Day 7 58 oz. and so far day 8 under 30 oz. No other

I was wondering how many times a year I can fast for 5 days or more. I did a 21-day water/tea/broth fast in January of this year at a clinic. Also daily mini-colonics every day during the fast. I fasted 4 days in April for a medic

I am doing an overall cleanse "fast", by eating just organic brown rice, miso paste, and nori. And of course, a lot of water. I intend on doing 1 day rice, 1 day water fast, but have never done a water fast. I'm a little bit un

Hi guys. I'm starting a new juice fast today. I'm trying to heal my damaged kidneys from 23 years of Type 1 diabetes and ten years of drug abuse. My diabetes is pretty well controlled now, but for about 15 years it wasn't. For

Reasons for Fasting: Overall health and wellbeing. Need to make great changes in a short period of time and make them stick this time.
Intended Length of Fast: 7 day + 30 day + 7 day
First Name: Megan
City, State and Countr

Can I still use my regular everyday toothpaste while juicing?
Yes, you need to brush your teeth more during fasting for several reasons. The breath gets bad and the tongue gets coated and there is a build up of bacteria and

I would like to post a great remedy for vaginal yeast infection - for those who are have tried drug prescriptions that failed. I found that one year when I was plagued with yeast infections that had to response to the drugs and cr

Bentonite clay I far as I can see would have benefits during fasting. I gleaned this info from Http://
Bentonite clay - used by indigenous tribes and animals for centuries
Clay is one of the most effect

I am 39 years old and I am about 185lbs at 5'-1". My baby is 15 months old and I developed hypertension during pregnancy that has not gone away. Neither has the 25lbs I gained. Also, I suffer from intense migraines that acc

I just ended a five day water fast. 5:30pm - Went to the whole foods store and bought some broccolii and rice with a little bell pepper in it (all cooked gently) it tasted great. I ate some pita toast on the way home...and a few s

Ionic foot is totally fake without any value to health. The Ionic foot bath is a scam. The only thing that is drained is your money. It is simply electrolysis making the water look that way and can be done with a carrot or any o

I am new to this site but not new to water fasting; however, the last time a fasted for 15 days, the fast went with such bad headache that I needed to stop. I was in agony; however, felt great once started to eat and had painkill

I am constantly fighting yeast infections and would like to know if juice fasting will make it worst. I took fluconazole three days ago but I still feel the effects of yeast.
Answer By Tom
Juice fasting boost the immune syst

Hi, I am considering fasting for health and a little weight loss, as I've been struggling with about 20 unwanted lbs for over 10 years. I only planned on fasting 2 days at a time, every week. Is this ideal for what I want to lose?

Reasons for Fasting: About a month ago I had a HUGE inflammation of the muscles of my upper back, combined with a flu and a fever that went over 41C/105F. Took me almost an entire month of extreme discomfort to get through it. Fir

This explains how to do a coffee enema.
What Coffee to Use
If possible, use organic ground coffee, not instant coffee.
What is the Mixture
Use 1 tablespoon of ground coffee for every 8oz cup of water. For every ene

Age 33
Weight and Height 259 5'10"
Type of Fast Water Fast
Any past experience with fasting. None
Reason for the Fast I have had a lot of stress and would like to clear my body of toxins and start fresh eatin

I (Tom Coghill) was first introduce to Dr. Kelly's cancer protocol when I was introduced to Dr. Jaimie Dy-Liaco in St. Theodore's Hospital of Sagada. We were treating disease conditions with great success but advanced cancer

To understand how the body reacts to a lack of food, you could start by looking at what happens to newborns. Newborns can't sleep through the night because they need to eat every few hours. They don't produce enough glycogen, the

I am 41yrs young, 315-325lbs give or take,5"6 and ready to move to my next phase in life. All my life I have had eczema but it never got really bad, until 2006 out of nowhere, I just started itching nonstop like crazy so I cha