Ionic foot is totally fake without any value to health. The Ionic foot bath is a scam. The only thing that is drained is your money. It is simply electrolysis making the water look that way and can be done with a carrot or any o

I am new to this site but not new to water fasting; however, the last time a fasted for 15 days, the fast went with such bad headache that I needed to stop. I was in agony; however, felt great once started to eat and had painkill

I am constantly fighting yeast infections and would like to know if juice fasting will make it worst. I took fluconazole three days ago but I still feel the effects of yeast.
Answer By Tom
Juice fasting boost the immune syst

Hi, I am considering fasting for health and a little weight loss, as I've been struggling with about 20 unwanted lbs for over 10 years. I only planned on fasting 2 days at a time, every week. Is this ideal for what I want to lose?

Reasons for Fasting: About a month ago I had a HUGE inflammation of the muscles of my upper back, combined with a flu and a fever that went over 41C/105F. Took me almost an entire month of extreme discomfort to get through it. Fir