Monthly Archives: June 2010

Reason for fasting: I want to be in control of my my life, which I connect with being in control of my eating habits. I want to learn to listen my body and discover all the tastes I miss while eating junk food. I also want to lose

Reasons for Fasting: To lose weight and get rid of fat. Sort out bad eating habits, stop eating and craving sugar, regular eating schedule. Stop smoking everything.
Intended Length of Fast: 4 weeks
First Name: Katharina
City, S

A salt and Sodium Bicarbonate enema is powerful at killing fungai within the intestine especially candida albicans.
Dr Simonchini's has hypothesized that cancer is a the cell's natural defense to fungus called candid

The Fungal Hypothesis - by Dr. T. Simoncini
Dr. Simoncini is a roman doctor specialising in oncology, diabetology and in metabolic disorders. He states:
In the plant world, cancers are caused by a fungal invasion, and it

This past Sunday without intending to I found that I had gone several hours without drinking water. I had gotten busy reinstalling Windows on my computer and did not want to halt the installation. Together with the growing thirs

Chris here from NZ. I've been having a number of health issues for over two years now, fatigue, joint pain, abdominal pain, headaches, memory loss, weakness etc. Have tried a number of alternative and western treatments to no av

Title: Starting a 21 day Master Cleanse
Juice fast: June 28-29-30
Master Cleanse: 1 July- 21 July.
Breaking fast: 22 July- 29 July
Total: 32 days.
Day one June 28TH
Reasons for Fasting: I would like

Reasons for Fasting: Weight Loss
Intended Length of Fast: 23 days
First Name: Jameelah
Site User Name: Mdnytsun
City, State and Country: Los Angeles
Sex: Female
Age: 32
Weight: 5”
Height: 250 lbs
Proposed Fasting Me

Enzymes that Kill Cancer have a long historic background in cancer treatment. The concept that enzymes can kill cancer started at the turn of the century.
It has been noted over the years that cancer cells all have low enzym

This my second water fast, I'm up to a week now and it's going very well, except for this backache when I lay down to sleep.
My first fast last year was 8 days long and I had to stop because of work, and of vomiting bile. Wha

I feel uneasy about the inclusion of the intake of food under the term "fasting". So for example people use the term "juice fast". Bearing in mind that juice is just fruit that has been chewed by a machine instead of our teeth, th

Comments: Reasons for Fasting:health, spiritual, weight loss
Intended Length of Fast: 40 days
First Name: Shaun
Site User Name:shaun
City, State and Country: Eugene Or
Sex: F
Proposed Fasti

Has anyone ever taken (Whey) protein during a fast? If so, why, and what were your experiences with it?
Last week I fasted three days on water. It was challenging but I wanted to do it and am very pleased with myself for doing

Temporary Fasting of 48 to 60 Hours, Shields Healthy Cells, While Chemo Drugs Target Cancerous Cells.
March 31, 2008 -- Fasting prior to cancer chemotherapy treatment may significantly enhance the cancer-killing effects of th

The man says he hasn’t "eaten or drunk for 70 years."
By Tom Rawstorne
There are few people, however busy their lives, unable to remember the last meal that they consumed. But Prahlad Jani is one of them.
And the reason

I am getting ready to do a long flight (2 days of travel) and I will be on day 20 of a juice fast. Any ideas about how to make do in airports when we can't bring liquids? I was thinking of bringing this berry powder and veggie pow

Is juice fasting effective for reducing artery plaque ? Ernie
Answer By Tom Coghill
Yes, it is the most powerful therapeutic treatment that you can do to remove arterial plaque. A 30 day juice fast will do wonders an

Reasons for Fasting: , Good health , Weight Loss, Boost Immune system
Intended Length of Fast: You recommended 30 days juice fast
First Name:Inez Lazaro
Site User Name:Inez Lazaro
City, State and Country:Mumbai, Ma

Urine therapy has no know factors that can positively impact health. Why would the body dump something with the capacity to heal? Sure if you are dieing of thirst in the desert drinking urine may keep you alive for a few extra d

Reasons for Fasting: Sister's Wedding
Intended Length of Fast: 21 Days (Not to sure)
First Name: Bella
Site User Name: bella83
City, State and Country: Texas, USA
Sex: F
Age: 27
Weight: 165
Height: 5 ft

Reasons for Fasting: Detoxification, Healing, Spiritual Connection
Intended Length of Fast: 60 days
First Name:Kieth
Last Name: DeJarnet
Site User Name: kdejarnet
City, State and Country: San Antonio, TX US
Sex: Male

How will drinking Kombucha effect my fast? I take juice plus as well and find it has been good so far. I am only on day 3 of at least a 10 day cleanse. I may do more depending on how I feel.
I am blessed to have found this

I get itchiness either inside my elbow or on forearm usually on just either left or right sometimes on back of hand and it usually comes on after I over-indulge myself like with gobs of cheese or meat but sometimes even just with

Reasons for Fasting: cleansing and detoxification, improving emotional balance, weight-loss
Intended Length of Fast: 30 days.
First Name: Isabel
Site User Name: Elisheba
City, State and Country: Spain, Galicia
Sex: Female

Shanghai Star. 2004-03-25THE attempt by 50-year-old herbalist Chen Jianmin to beat the record for fasting set last year by US magician David Blaine is off to a good start.
Chen plans to fast for 49 days - five days more tha