Monthly Archives: July 2010

Reasons for Fasting: to lose weight, remove toxins, end depression, break sweet tooth addiction and binge eating. I began July 27, 2010 and am on my second day. I want to get to 195lbs and will add excercise and weights as my 30 d

Reasons for Fasting: To die to the flesh and become alive in my spirit, To loose weight, detox my body reset my body back to the way God intends it to be.
Intended Length of Fast: Really desperately need a 30 day water fast in

Hi! I'm doing a water fast for the first time. My question is this: I'm taking 2 medications for menopause. They are Medroxyprogesterone 2.5 mg and Estradiol 1 mg. I am just starting my 3rd month on these. Should I continue to tak

Today is my "PRE" day for a (hopefully) 14 day juice/water fast. I am a little nervous because in Febuary I did a 9 day juice/water fast and it was pretty difficult. Also I am 5'8" and weigh 141 lbs at the moment. I would personal

Reasons for Fasting: Spiritual/Prayer/Physical Healing
Intended Length of Fast: 40 days
First Name: Wendy
(Optional) Last Name: Mitchell
Site User Name:Wendy Mitchell
City, State and Country: Salem, Oregon USA

I would like to start my fast tomorrow July 7-23-2010
Reasons for Fasting: Weight loss and detox (recovering alcoholic)
Intended Length of Fast: 21 days
First Name: Danielle
Site User Name: Danie Kay
City, State and Country:

Reasons for Fasting: I started as an emotional response to a really unflattering picture posted on Facebook, after a couple of days I really put some research into fasting and decided to go full bore. I’m fasting to lose weight,

Reasons for Fasting: Weight loss/ break food adiction / spiritual reasons
Intended Length of Fast: 21 days
First Name: Luiza
(Optional) Last Name:
Site User Name: luizarios
City, State and Country: Wigan, England
Sex: F

This aids treatment is simple, inexpensive and easy to do. The most important parts of the treatment is the juice fasting and nano silver. The juice fasting will dramatically boost the immune system and make the nano

I'm 15 years old, 5 foot 2 and 116.4 pounds. I know this isn't exactly fat for my age and height. Still, I used to have a great body and eat a lot healthier and I want to do a water fast so I can lose some weight and start wating

In June 2005 The Journal of Nanobiotechnology, published a ten page study of a study was the result of seven scientists’ exploration into the virus inhibiting qualities of nanosilver. What the study demonstrated is that thes

Height: 66 in
Proposed Fasting Method: Water
Past Fasting Experience: Some
Present Diet: Good
Relevant Medical History: N/A
Present Medical Problems: N/A
State of Mind: Well
Limitations: N/A

A few weeks ago while fasting on the weekend I read the short 150 page book "The Hibernation Diet" by Mike McInnes who is a Pharmacist from Edinburgh and Stuart McInnes who is a Nutritional expert and founder of the Edinburgh

Reasons for Fasting: I am looking for physical, emotional and spiritual balance and health. (Also see ‘Current Medical Problems’)
Intended Length of Fast: 30-40 days
First Name: Rose
Site User Name: HealthyHappyRose

Solanum nigrum (karakap) has many uses and is well documented. Its widely used in India and Philippines. Its young leaves are used in salads; ripe fruits are used for preparation of jam and filling for pies, and also in wine, spir

I had just read about how, Soursop also name Guanabana, fruit can assist in cancer recovery and now I find the leaves also have a cancer killing ability.
The reason that Graviola Leaf should be used in a cancer protocol is

Reasons for Fasting: Health reason, addiction to sugar and weight loss.
Intended Length of Fast: 30 days
First Name: Debby
City, State and Country: chicago, IL
Sex: Female
Age: 46
Weight: 156
Height: 5’7 1/2
Proposed F

Jelly Bush Discovers Therapeutic Capacity in Manuka Honeys
Shona Blair, a PhD student at the University of Sydney, has been researching the virtues of such honeys for some years. In a radio interview on ABC (the Australian

I'm a 32 year old 5'6" 155 lbs male thinking of starting a water fast, but was diagnosed with an ulcer 2 months ago. My stomach pain has subsided as a result of triple antibiotic therapy, and I'm pretty sure that the ulcer has

The tongue becomes white or yellow during fasting. This occurrence is almost universal to all faster past the 3 day mark and often starts on day one. Some have stated that this discoloration is due to the excretion toxins whic

The concept of juice fasting is to supply the body with everything it needs but reduce calories consumption to them point the body enters catabolism. Raw eggs fit that criteria. The risk of salmonella is marginal and low enoug

Keratoconus Overview
Keratoconus is a degenerative disorder of the eye in which structural changes within the cornea cause it to thin and change to a more conical shape than its normal gradual curve. Despite considerable r