About 2 months back I got poison into my system. It affected the nerves and led to:
- impaired vision with the right eye. Somewhat hazy and washed-out colours
- speech impediment. I started mumbling and I feel numbness in

DCA is an odourless, colourless, inexpensive, relatively non-toxic, small molecule. And researchers at the University of Alberta believe it may soon be used as an effective treatment for many forms of cancer.
Dr. Evangelos Mich

Reasons for Fasting: To break fast food addictions, lose additional weight, aid in healing, and give my digestive system a break!
Intended Length of Fast: 14 days, but we'll see if I can keep up the momentum and go and bit long

Comments: Reasons for Fasting: To overcome my food addiction
Intended Length of Fast: 15 days: 3rd to 17th september
First Name: Isabelle
Site User Name: Isabelle
City, State and Country: Quebec, Qc, Cda
Sex: F

My goal is simply to achieve PERMANENT, significant and noticeable weight loss to improve my health, my appearance, the way my clothes fit and look on me , and to improve my self esteem and mood through the d

Reasons for Fasting: To achieve mental clarity, overcome food addiction, heal and reconnect with life again
Intended Length of Fast: 21 days
First Name: Val
Site User Name: justdoit
City, State and Country: Sydney, NSW, Austra