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Fasting Research

Fasting Improves Cancer Chemotherapy
Temporary Fasting of 48 to 60 Hours, Shields Healthy Cells, While Chemo Drugs Target Cancerous Cells.
March 31, 2008 -- Fasting prior to cancer chemotherapy treatment may significantly enha

Shanghai Star. 2004-03-25THE attempt by 50-year-old herbalist Chen Jianmin to beat the record for fasting set last year by US magician David Blaine is off to a good start.
Chen plans to fast for 49 days - five days more tha

To understand how the body reacts to a lack of food, you could start by looking at what happens to newborns. Newborns can't sleep through the night because they need to eat every few hours. They don't produce enough glycogen, the

Fasting is an altered state of metabolism where the body refines the conservation of resources. Juice fasting is a state of controlled catabolism, breaking down sick, diseased and dying tissues to create a foundation for hea

A study at Intermountain Medical Center shows a link between fasting and a lower rate of heart disease. Researchers are now conducting another study to determine why.
The first study was conducted to find out why people who are

Fasting Boosts the Immune System
Fasting has various effects on the immune system. Juice fasting maximizes the ability of your immune system. This immune enhancement is due to three factors.
The absense of the burden of di

After years of intense pain and useless medications, I remember the moment when I stepped out of the shower and, as I dried myself, realized my body no longer hurt. On a 30-day juice fast, my organs had healed.
There is no grea

Water fasting is tough. Water fasting can have good and bad times. I decided to write this post during a water fast.
Water Fasting The Good
Ending a water fast is always amazing. The first few glasses of fresh juice flooding the

Study on mice shows fasting improves health as much as cutting calories. Periodic fasting and cutting calories is proven to increase health and lifespan.
Research -Fasting Increases Lifespan and Insulin Sensitivity

From glistening crystals of snow to the multicolored hues of a rainbow, H2O takes on a myriad of shapes and shimmers. Daily, it is used to cleanse our floors, cars and toilets. Yet, the greatest value of water is that it inter

The average person is able to assimilate between 1% to 35% of the nutrients in vegetables. All nutrients of vegetables are locked within the fibers. Your digestive system acts like a juice extractor. Through chewing, the actio

Question about metabolism damage by fasting
If I completed a 30 day fast, how damaging would it be to my metabolism. I mean right now my metabolism is fairly decent I think. But from what I've read, a fast will slow it down.

A person fasting 40 days on water will not suffer a deficiency of protein, vitamins, minerals or essential fatty acids. In the breakdown of unhealthy cells, all essential substances, which are mostly protein, are reused and co

There is a vast difference between fasting and starving. During the absence of food, the body will systematically cleanse itself of everything except vital tissue. It continually readjusts to make minimum demands on reserves.