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Claudine: 17-day juice fast, weight loss 21 lb. Healed arm, spiritual renewal.

Juice Fasting Testimony (Christian) 17 days

Location: Oshawa, ON Canada.

I needed some answers from God, but a spiritual barrier stood in my way. I had tried to fast before when faced with these types of circumstances, but something was lacking and my attempt at fasting had failed. A sister in the Lord called me about a new book she had read. After reading the book, I became inspired and stared a fast. My desire was to see souls come to Christ. I followed the techniques to do with the physical aspects fasting written in the book Fasting to Freedom and read my bible at night. The first few days were surprisingly easy, no headaches or weakness and I still continued my work. The rest fast went extremely well, only one day did I experience a bad reaction and this was because I sprayed the oven and breathed in some of the fumes causing me to feel sick and nausea. Luckily it cleared up in a day. I maintained my spiritual focus and continuously praying for a revival in our church, and by the Grace of God is stated to occur. People were getting baptized every service. Those who had fallen from the faith returned. The spirit was moving in the church. Both I and Grace prayed to the Lord to to put the church on a one day fast — and it happened. The pasture delivered an anointed sermon calling us to fast, pray, and love one another. This message stirred my soul to fast even longer! The result of the fast was amazing, not only did the fast benefit me spiritually, but my arm was healed miraculously. What a joy to feel no more pain. For months I had been suffering now this pain was completely gone. The severe cramps I experienced premenstrual time were also gone, and I lost twenty pounds of excess weight. For a fifty-one-year-old grand mother to fast 17 days on her first fast, I feel that the Lord really blessed me. Fasting to me is a path for getting closer to God. We have to sacrifice things of this world to God just as Christ scarified his life for us. “Man shall not live by bread but by ever word that proceed out of the mouth of God.” We need to find sustenance in God. IF MY PEOPLE WHICH ARE CALLED BY MY NAME SHALL HUMBLE THEMSELVES, AND PRAY AND SEEK MY FACE, AND TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS; THEN WILL I HEAR FROM HEAVEN, AND WILL FORGIVE THEIR SIN, AND WILL HEAL THEIR LAND, (2 CHRONICLES 7:14)

By Tom Coghill of
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Posted on by Tom Coghill

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2 Responses to Claudine: 17-day juice fast, weight loss 21 lb. Healed arm, spiritual renewal.

  1. Pingback: Intro: Fasting For Weight Loss |

  2. Pingback: Fasting for Weight Loss (eat your fat) « Diet to Lose Weight Fast
