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Prolonged Fasting
January 10, 2008 | | 3,377 Views
A prolonged fast is anything over 20 days on juice and about 7 on water. While 30 days on juice is somewhat difficult 14 days on water is a and very difficult and demanding much discipline.
I find that long fasts are preferable to short ones because once the body is in the fasting state it cleanses systematically into the harder to get at body tissues. For this reason, most of the recoveries from illness have taken place in the latter parts of long juice or water fasts. A friend’s hemorrhoids were healed on the 21st day of a juice fast after suffering from them for 15 years. He stated “It is like they were never there.” Long fasts give the body the uninterrupted time to do the work of healing. I compare it to getting a piano tuned. A piano tuner can tune a piano in three short visits or one long one. Three shorter visits will take more time and energy because he has to drive back and forth, loading and unload his tools. The first few days of fasting gets rid of the gross waste products of digestion, but only after this can the body pull out its tools to get to work on healing.
The thirty day juice fast is a standard in European health facilities. This length of fast feels about right because after 30 day it seems like you have been fasting for ever. Less then 30 days and you can miss the best experiences of the fast.
The ten day water fast has also become a recommended number of days. Paul Bragg was an advocate of the 10 day water fast. Ten days on water will cause the same weight loss as 30 days on juice. But water fasting if far more difficult, especially if you have a fast metabolism.
The difficulty with this length of a fast it is difficult not to overeat. When I fell into temptation and ate the wrong food, instantly all the benefits I was experiencing evaporated. This state cannot exist unless the blood is clean. Any toxic food and it is gone. Even over eating fruit will cause it to reduce. I duplicated this type of fast twice and experienced exactly the same effect only to lose it when faced with the intense desire for food that comes when hunger returns after the fast.
These were rare and incredible experiences. Someday, God willing, I hope to have the discipline or the environment and support necessary to reach such a goal. Other fasting advocates claim this state can become permanent when maintaining a fruit diet. It is hard for me to envision what it would be like to live in this state permanently.
By Tom Coghill of Fasting.ws Articles may be copied or reproduced as long as the back links to fasting.ws are intact and the author’s name is included.
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- Discover Juice Fasting (119)
- henry26: hi tom i think you dont remember me hmm i just to ask some thing cuz i am making an investigatory about fasting and detoxification i thingking if you cuold help me?
- algimble: Dear Tom, I am on day 5 of an 18 day water fast. I am taking daily enema’s and weekly hydrocolonics. Should I end the water fast with some sort of herbal colon cleanse, to really clear out the large intestines? Also, do you have any info or advice on oral enemas?
- algimble: Dear Tom,
- carinaTG: Hi Tom,DAY 2- I got a juicer today! started with the cantaloupe mix! A couple more questions for you… I haven’t had a BM in a couple days and ( normally I am pretty regular) I thought the fruit juices would cause more frequent BM, what’s the norm while fasting with...
- carinaTG: Thank you Tom for such a quick response. I did get a few bottles of Odwalla juices. I got through the day pretty good, but opted for some vegetable broth this evening and a cup of yogurt. Your site is wonderful and I look forward to reading through the many articles and journals people...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Carina, You need a juicer to get the amazing results that you read about on this site. Anything bottled or canned will not work the same as fresh from a juicer. Even a cheap juicer will work. Yes you can use the store bought stuff to start. Any natural juice would be good. Apple...
- carinaTG: Hi Tom, so happy to find this site! I will start a juice fast today!! my ? is this… Does it matter what type of juices? Can I just go to the store and purchase pure fruit juices? should I stick with a particular brand? What about vegetable juice? is that ok as well? I will invest...
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- sourgrapes: Hello all, Tom I tried the photo again and it now says “Your profile photo has been submitted for review” so does that mean it uploaded properly? keith… yes have been using emamas, for first time ever lol! I didn’t even know what they were till I found this...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Kieth The number 07538622895 fails when I call you on Skype. Strange…..US code tried without the 0 and with a …. + and a… 1.
- natacha h.: hello… today is day 16 of my 50 days (i hope) juice/water fast….i feel great and i already lost 22 pounds….i have 54 more pounds to lose for my goal weight….and i hope to doing it by january 10…..but i feel great, hunger is starting to kick in but i will...
- JOHNV: I just want to say that you to all the people on this site. I am on day 2 of my juice fast. I had lunch the other day and it finally hit me. I hate the way I eat and I really need to take control of this for me and my family. I ate a huge sandwich and fries and it made me feel like crap....
- keith101: hi tom i have updated my profile so i hope this might work now?…tom my mobile no is 07538622895,,,not sure of the code you would have to dile from the phillipines?…l ook forward to hearing from you best regards keith..
- keith101: hi sarah…im a day away from 2 weeks of a water fast, i understand what you are saying about the cooking,…i v done a lot of cooking for my family whilst on this fast the smells are torture,,lol,,,i have had a soar head at the start ov my fast it lasted a coupple of days but...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Sourgrapes Sarah, the tiredness usually last through the first part of the fast. The body wants to slow down so it can cleanse. The fast can create massive energy peaks on juice fasting and even on water fasting after a few weeks.
- Tom Coghill: Hi Sourgrapes, Sarah, did you hit “update profile” after the upload?
- sourgrapes: I tried to upload a photo but it dosen’t seem to work. Sarah
- sourgrapes: Hello, This is my first post here, and Im on day 2 of my first fast ever. Yesterday wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be though I did have a bad headach all day. Today is nearly over thankfully! Craving food and have had headache on and off all day as well. Starting with a...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Kieth, To add a photo to your profile, log in and at the top right you will see your name, click on that, upload a photo the click update profile. If you did that and it does not show we need to investigate. Best is for me to call you as with skype it is 2 cents a minute. To call...
- keith101: hi tom, thanks for your advice, i will try flax and hemp oils,im trying to get her onto a healthy diet,i do a lot of healthy cooking for her when i see her,but she tends to revert back to her old ways when im not there,the air quality here in scotland is quite good!..she smokes too and...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Keith Panic attacks the control is in the breathing slow and deep and repeating that it will be “ok”. And not easy to master. For the Sinusitis you need her to stop mucus forming food mostly dairy and flour products and processed oils. Flax or hemp oil will reduce...
- keith101: ok tom thanks for that, this is day 11 i feel great,no problems at all,i dont feel tired in fact i feel like i could do a marathon..lol… tom i would like to ask you a question?…my mother is 61 she suffers from pannic attacks,and has really bad sinusitis,iv seen her in tears...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Kieth, SBinstuctor could fill you in on a bad experience that he had. Multivites on a water fast? Not a good idea.
- keith101: hi all this is now day 10 of my 30 day water fast,i feel really great today,iv only had i bit if a soar head on day 8.9…im looking forward to friday as that will be me 2 weeks into my fast.i did have a cup of green tea this morning! first time iv ever tasted it,,tasts i bit...
- keith101: hi katie be proud in yourself that you have gone 18 days on your water fast, that is amazing! i am really inspired by the streanth that you have,i am now on day 8 of a 30 day water fast, tonight i will be taking another enema as i feel there is still waste inside me!you have done the...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Katie It is best to juice for about 3 to 5 days before eating.
- Tom Coghill: Hi Keith, Yes, but it was a joke. Cows are friendly here. Or most of them. I can call you as it is cheap for me.
- Katie: Hello again. Today was day 18 and I switched over to juices. My entire body has been in pain for the last 4 days. My heart began to ache, literally when it beat. I had no energy at all. My energy demands are minimal but it seems that my body needs something. So today I had some yogurt to...
- keith101: thanks tom for your email,i had a flick through the site,was that you there being attacked by a cow?…lol.it looks so beautiful there!…i have taken the number down and will call you asap.you sound like a verry interesting person to know,i have read a bit about you in your...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Keith I sent an email and maybe we could talk on the phone as there is a lot of info to transfer. We have slowed down patient care due to the renovations. You would love it. Sagada is an amazing place.
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- Tom Coghill: Hi Katie The body goes through many stages during fasting. Yes hunger and come and go. Fasting is different for everyone. The low energy state during water fasting is why I recommend juice fasting for people with energy demands. Dr Erhet and author on water fasting stated that is was...
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- keith101: hi all i wish you all the best on your fasts, it takes a lot ov willpower and strenth to start one,im on day 5 now of my water fast, i feel great, i feel so at peace within myself,i will be doing a 30 day water fast!…when i compleat this it will be as though iv reached the top of...
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- christina24: Hi there, I’m on day 11 of water fasting.. I’m feeling great and I think my metabolism is slow as it is.. I’m sure this is going to pretty much kill my metabolism. I’m wondering how to rebuild it? I’d really appreciate your input. Thanks a bunch!
- Tom Coghill: Hi rmcalister Weightloss can slow down as the fast progresses. There is weightloss from catabolsim but the amount can be small. Some fasters have reported that cyanne pepper increases weightloss. There is a post on the site about it and a site seach will pull it up. Not sure about...
- rmcalister: G’day Tom, Great site and thanks for your dedication. I am 40. I started at 275lb (125kg). I had a week on juice and then decided to go onto water. I am now on day 9 of water. The first week was not too bad, but I was pretty tired. The last few days have been much better. As I...
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- Tom Coghill: Hi Brenda Kieth and All who created a user pic. USER PIC NOTICIE…..[B]I T IS NOW working!!!!![/B] I found the problem. The photos were set for needing approval without sending notification. It is now set for automatic so you should see any user photo automatically. Sorry about...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Keith, Some vitamins are find and other cause a reaction. Best is to wait till you go to juice then you can take any vitamin.
- keith101: hi momochan,…your brother left a blog about taking vitimins, saying that it is a bad idea on a water fast?…im 2 days away from my 2nd week on water only..i was thinking about taking a multyvitimin pill on week 2..but iv been told quite a lot not to take one?..maby you or...
- Tom Coghill: Hi MoMoChan Interesting, coconut oil as a hunger suppressor. Lets see if some others will try it to see if it works. Welcome and post abundantly.
- MoMoChan: Hi everyone!!! I hope you all are doing well with your fasting. I thought it would be a good idea to fast since I recently just finished doing a colon cleanse and because my brother sbinstructor seems to be doing very well on his fast. Today will be my fifth day of drinking water and...
- SbInstructor: Finally finished up the fasting i got down to 203lbs so I didnt reach my goal of 200 but i suppose if i spit a lot i would get there lol. Anyways not really worried im starting back to eating but here is the deal in order to keep the weight off im closely monitoring my weight as in...
- SbInstructor: Coming along just nicely with this fasting almost 40lbs lost in 30 days. Excellent fasting is the best i will start eating minimally salad and olive oil here starting back on when i start to eat again in the next 2 days. Day 28-29 Weight: 205lbs Drinks: Lots of water & A little...
- SbInstructor: Nothing new sorry everyone for my little posting or stories im moving into a new apartment closer to my college campus school starts here on the 9th. Day 26-27 Weight: 207lbs Drinks: Lots of water & A little tea
- Tom Coghill: Hi Kittylovee I would not worry about hair loss as it happens to very very few and you can stop fasting. Milk has too many calories to lose weight.
- Tom Coghill: Hi Brenda, As to setting up a user pic did you follow these steps. 1. click on your user name at top right when you log in to get into your profile. 2 Upload image. 3. click update profile. Did you did that what error message did you get? The problem with wordpress is that the...
- kittylovee: Hi Tom, I am on Day 3 of fasting. I have been consuming low-fat milk, yakult, and V8 juice. I am not good at water fast as I have failed miserably many times. I think consuming milk will prevent hair loss. However, the weigh is dropping very slowly. Do you have any comments or...
- Commonly Asked Fasting Questions (43)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Sunshine, OAS is a first for me but there are so many things you can try to juice, like yams to find the juice the works for you. Stay with the juices that do not cause a reaction. Generally food allergies can be completely healed through fasting.
- sunshine: Hi Tom! Running across this website is a huge blessing, as I’ve recently become overwhelmingly drawn to holistic health and natural nutrition for healing. My question is regarding food allergies – I have Oral Allergy Syndrome which gives me allergic reactions to many raw...
01 May 2009 at 4:53 pm
Hi Tom!
I’ve started my second week of pure water fasting and everything seems to be going fine and no more black outs! So far… lol. But It just seems like my body has become used to not eating already and I’m worried that I won’t even be able to consume home made veg. juice after my second week is done. From before I mentioned I’m going to finish up the 14 day water fast and then do a few days of vegi juice then do another 14 day water fast in which I am completely fine with I have no problem doing. I am just afraid I won’t consume nutrients after my entire fast is done. I will say that I am already incredibly thin that my ribs are showing as well as other bones, my face is quite gaunt…but please know I’m fasting for all of the right reasons. My concern is that I just feel like I don’t have the desire to eat at all…no tempations. I know this no desire thing doesn’t really matter now but I would like to know if this is common or uncommon for when I get close to finishing the fast. I think another part of it is that I enjoy fasting..a lot.. Either way I probably shouldn’t be concerned about it now but it still is something I’d like to know in advance if you’re able to provide advice/ answers
. Thank you!
Tom Coghill
02 May 2009 at 12:55 am
Hi Cristina,
Drinking less water as the fast continues is normal. The body does not need water for digestion and has lowered metabolic needs. No temptation is normal. When you start to eat your hunger will come back. But only eat small meals as it is easy to over eat. The weight will also return quickly to a healthy norm.
05 May 2009 at 11:31 am
My daughter(25 yrs old)is doing an extended water only fast. She was aiming for 40 days and is somewhere over 30 days into it. She was doing OK and able to drink plenty of water until about 10 days ago, then she started feeling nauseous and more recently has been vomiting almost every time she does drink water. The vomit is a yellowish green color. She also feels like she has swallowed air and needs to burp. We kept thinking this was detox going on and it would be better tomorrow but I’m getting concerned about dehydration. Do you have any idea what is going on? She is tired of feeling bad and ready to quit the fast which brings another question – she is planning to juice for several days to a week, what should she start with? Do you have an article that lays out what fruits are best to start with and then when to add vegetables and which ones? Thanks for any insight/help you can give.
Tom Coghill
05 May 2009 at 10:28 pm
Hi Kristine,
Yes go to juice right away. A fast that long, for it to be health needs a good nutritional base and healthy organs. That is why I always tell people to do juice fasting first to prepare the body and build nutritional reserves. You can have any fruits and veggies, if you are healthy. Try different mixtures. Candida, cancer, and diabetes need specific juice mixtures.