Anger Can Increase Self-Discipline

A man once bought a very expensive suit for a formal occasion. On the way to the event, an ash fell from his burning cigarette onto his lap. Before he noticed it, the ash burned a hole through both the suit coat and the pants. In a rage, the man crumpled the pack of cigarettes, threw it out the window and never smoked again. Previously he had smoked three packs... (Read more...)
Addiction Fallacies

Addiction holds its position in our life through misconceptions, fallacies and illusions. To quit any addiction, you have to strip away the misconceptions, fallacies and illusions and see truth. To break misconceptions, fallacies and illusions draw up a list and look seriously at what you consider the benefits of the habit. You may drink coffee to stay awake.... (Read more...)
Addiction: Avoid Triggers

If you are trying to quit coffee, don’t hang around coffee shops. If you are trying not to eat junk, don’t leave it in the house. If you have to drive to the store for chocolate, it becomes more difficult to satisfy the desire. Put as much distance as you can between you and the addiction. Going out with the boys to a bar and thinking you can not... (Read more...)
Fasting Structure

In observing people, looking for clues as to how to develop self-discipline, I was struck by a common denominator. Disciplined people create structure in their lives. A healthy, structured lifestyle, whether coming naturally or through resolute work, assuredly makes a tremendous difference in how you will feel both mentally and physically. Nothing is built... (Read more...)
Fasting and Addiction: Introduction

The food industry has perfected addictive foods by adding lots of salt, fats, processed sugar and artificial flavor enhancers. Once in the blood, what was a delicious treat becomes tomorrow’s craving. These daily cravings become powerful forces shaping our destiny through dictating our thoughts, emotions and actions, and deteriorating our health and discipline. We... (Read more...)
Fasting Heals Liver Disease

The liver can become toxic due to abuse. If the liver is badly degenerated, cleansing must be done in stages. Start with short juice fasts and then increase to fast over five days. A veggie juice combination with lemons and beets can benefit the liver. By Tom Coghill of Articles may be copied or reproduced as long as the back links to (Read more...)
Fasting and Kidney Problems

Fasting is amazing for healing kidney problems. However, fasting can irritate damaged kidneys due to the amount of toxins they filter. Try short juice fasts of 3-to-5 days before progressing to longer fasts. To maintain the healing, you will need to permanently remove high-protein meals, refined flours, commercial oils and fats from your diet after the fast. By... (Read more...)
Fasting Helps Hypoglycemia and Diabetes

Hypoglycemics and diabetics can juice fast using slices of bananas and avocados to balance the blood sugar level. Spirulina is also exceedingly beneficial for balancing blood sugar levels. The trick to balancing blood sugar levels is drink smaller amounts of juice timed 20 to 30 minutes apart. Fruit juices are better due to the fact that they have fructose... (Read more...)
Fasting To Heal Heart Disease

Include bananas and avocados when juice fasting to balance the blood sugar level. Toxins in the blood and reduced blood sugar levels may cause a weak heart to labor. Like any other organ, the heart needs nutrients, a toxin-free environment, and time to heal. As you see signs of improvement and feel confident, you can move to straight juice fasting. Fasting is... (Read more...)
Fasting to Heal Backaches

I once damaged my back and, due to excruciating pain, could not move, so I entered a seven-day water fast. It hurt every day of the fast; then, when I broke the fast, the back pain vanished. I went immediately back to construction work that involved heavy lifting. Back pain may increase on a fast due to toxins in the lower intestine. The blood vessels that... (Read more...)
Fasting Restrictions

Are there any conditions that restrict fasting? There is no such thing as being too old to fast—it is exactly what the body needs to feel young again. Shorter fasts are recommended to start. Assess your physical state as you proceed. If juice fasting becomes too intense, bananas and avocados will lessen the intensity by slowing the cleansing. Most people can... (Read more...)
Fasting and Medication

It is wise to consult your doctor regarding the effect of fasting combined with your medication. If you must take medication, take it with juice on a juice fast, to protect the stomach. Do not water fast while on medication. By Tom Coghill of Articles may be copied or reproduced as long as the back links to are intact and the author’s... (Read more...)
Fasting Reduces Blood Parasites and Candida

We have a tendency to think the body as clean, and, except for the common cold or a virus. the blood is sterile, but this is the furthest thing from the truth. After observing live blood using a dark-field microscope, I know that even a healthy person’s blood is packed with microorganisms. The blood has nutrients, sugars and oxygen, and the perfect environment... (Read more...)
Healing the Brain With Fasting

The brain is made up of trillions of cells. Three thousand psychoactive chemicals allow the brain to react to outside stimulus. More than fifty psychoactive substances activate aggression, sedation and memory. The brain can perform over 100,000 chemical reactions per second. One hundred billion bits can be stored in the memory, equal to 500 hundred sets of... (Read more...)
Balanced Approach to Fasting

After my first 30-day juice fast, I was hooked and did two more 30-day fasts consecutively, eating for 10 days in between. From drug addiction to being a health zealot was a definite improvement, but my approach remained the same. Fasting and eating healthy became my new obsession. Eating a cookie brought days of guilt and shame. My thoughts dwelled on the... (Read more...)
Protein Deficiency During Catabolism

A person fasting 40 days on water will not suffer a deficiency of protein, vitamins, minerals or essential fatty acids. In the breakdown of unhealthy cells, all essential substances, which are mostly protein, are reused and conserved in a most extraordinary manner. Protein needs are also greatly diminished during a fast. Fear of Protein Deficiency There is... (Read more...)
Fasting or Starvation

There is a vast difference between fasting and starving. During the absence of food, the body will systematically cleanse itself of everything except vital tissue. It continually readjusts to make minimum demands on reserves. Starvation will occur only when the body is forced to use vital tissue to survive. Humans adapt amazingly well to lack of food. A.... (Read more...)
Fasting and Detoxification

Fasting is amazing for detoxification. Our bodies are toxic like never before. Only fasting has the power to detoxify 20th century toxins. Juice fasting is the best for detoxification. Today, we consume more toxic substances than all generations before us. Lead in our bones can be 200 times greater compared to bones excavated from 2,000 years ago. Our... (Read more...)
Weight Loss Supplements

Weight loss supplements can be a benefit or damage your body. You can take any weight loss supplements during a fast but beware of herbal stimulants. Modern herbal extractions are powerful concentrates and can have the adrenal kick of 20 cups of coffee. Sure, your metabolism will increase, and the desire for food will lessen, but your body is in overdrive. Weight... (Read more...)
Fasting for Weight Loss (eat your fat)

What Causes Weight Gain Trying to stay on a diet can turn a simple journey to the supermarket into an epic challenge of self-discipline. How can you ignore all the florescent-lit aisles of junk food offering every temptation known to the tongue when you are hungry depressed and feeling deprived? It becomes a war of desires where your willingness to surrender... (Read more...)
How Much Weight Will I Lose?

Many people ask me how much weight they will lose during a fast. I cannot even guess as weight loss during fasting is dependent on many factors, with the main one being metabolism. The slower the metabolism the less weight you will lose but it will be easier to fast. Here are the links of people who have lost weight. Some lose 2 lb a day other less than... (Read more...)
Fasting For Spiritual Strengthening

Fasting is a powerful discipline for bringing the body under submission. You take total control. It suffers and you say no. A soldier without needs cannot be tempted and will not turn from duty. Each great servant of God has had his/her time of fasting. It is an essential spiritual discipline and without it we are weak. It fortifies spiritual foundations,... (Read more...)
Recent Comments:
- Water Fasting- The Good the Bad the Ugly (100)
- Tom Coghill: Hi nykoe. Of the 100’s of people who have posted that they are doing a 40 day water fast for their first fast, none have achieved it. Rather than a desperate attempt to lose weight, slow down and study to develop a lifestyle of healthy eating, exercise with fasting...
- Shravan: Weight around 87 Kgs I have regained 2 kgs since my minimum weight, the day after last day of fasting. Still having a calorie deficit diet and doing exercises. Lets see how the weight regain/loss progresses
- Need A Fasting Buddy? Post Here (239)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Dushan I found that gum chewing drastically increased my hunger. Keep us posted.
- Dushan: Sylvia, I keep fresh juices with me (especially at work). What helped me deal with hunger pains was taking sips of a variety of juices. And I alos chewed “Extra” sugarless gum. Today I fasted again. My goal is develop a routine to include fasting at least 2x out of 7 days. I...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Sylvie, The enema is the best for eliminating hunger pains. You will sleep deeper each night, as you are now in a sleep deficit. Sometime during fasting you sleep long hours in a deep sleep and at other times cannot get a good night sleep.
- Fasting And Metabolism (7)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Kelli I am not a vegetarian. So I recommend, cold water fish (less contaminates and more omega oils), chicken with the skin removed and the fat boiled off. You can eat as many egg whites as you want as they have no cholesterol. For the strict vegans, sprouted soybeans, almonds and...
- Kelli: what diet do you recommend after a fast? I’ve read that raw food diet is the best, but how does one get the protein they need? With the metabolism being slower I am concerned about gaining weight. Thanks!
- Spirulina (2)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Hayes, Spirulina is also great for improving eyesight and diabetes.
- Hayes: Tom, Thanks for the info on spirulina! I first heard of spirulina when it was mentioned in some of your other fasting articles, but I didn’t think much about it. One day, though, I decided to try it to add extra nutrients to my diet. Boy was I surprised when it gave me so much more...
- Ask a Question (76)
- Tom Coghill: Hi ft, No more than 15 years just on spirulina… or for more normal people 10 to 20 days would be good.
- fp: Thanks Tom. So how many days safely would you recommend on spirulina?
- Tom Coghill: Hi Fp, It is better to take the spirulina several times per day rather than once. It gives me an energy boost and it does not last for more than an hour, but I was fasting sole on spirulina. Considering the nutrient content I am not surprised if the person who live on it for 15 year...
- Fasting Weight Loss Rates for Juice Fasting, Water Fasting and Dry Fasting. (254)
- Tom Coghill: DANYELLE, You do not have normal bowel movements during fasting. Nothing in nothing out. So that is normal. You will have and rear end explosion on breaking the fast. That is also normal. On fasts over 5 days I use and enema.
- DANYELLE: i have been juicin now for 1 day i weight 300 pounds well maybe a little less i stop eating meat,diary only veggies and fruit about 45 days ago . i feel good but today was harder than givin up meat lol i havent had a BM in two days please help
- Fasting Cured: Hypertension, Diabetes, Cholesterol, Arrhythmias and Arthritis. (2)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Jeff Gates, We have had astounding results with diabetics. We only have one long term result that was the first patient. He works at the hospital so we have accurate info. Not sure if he was type one or two but was on medication for 15 years and has been off any medication for 6...
- Cannabis, Smoking Pot, Weed, Research (37)
- ReddO: Well first I would like to say thank you for the info. I think that just like alcohol, pot can effect different people in different ways. Men especially. I have recently quit smoking pot along with my boyfriend and have noticed that it has affected him more than it has me. I am not a...
- Fasting Club Jan 2009 (285)
- rachel: sorry for the lazy slang term, that just a short abrev. of itermittent fasting, probably should have been IFing instead. my favorite way to fast is everyother day, as Im focusing really hard on my strength training. for now im melting since once the liver glycogen is depleted and you work...