AngelGirl 40 years old female, weighing 73 kg / 160.6 lbs, 52 in /132.08 cm tall, Christian. From Farmington Hills, United Kingdom GB
Doing 30 days of Juice/Water Fasting. Starting March 1, 2011
Reasons for Fasting:
I love the mental clarity and boundless energy that accompanies fasting. Each time that I fast, I have such a peace and a closer more meaningful oneness with Christ. This fast is for discipline in my spiritual and physical life. I currently weigh 161 pounds.Past Fasting Experience:
I successfully fasted for 15 days...then became sick~due to family interference. See previous posts. This fast is for the discipline, mental clarity, weight loss and to hear clearly from God for direction in 2011. Last fall, I was able to fast for 2 21 day fasts and keep the weight off. Since Dec. 2010, I've been strictly doing fruits and veggies.Present Diet:
veggies and herbal tea. my favorite meal is broccoli, cauliflower and okra with brown rice.Supplements:
Nature's Sunshine "female comfort" to keep my hormones in balance = my stress level is affecting my body and contributing to the imbalance and fibrous tissue.Relevant Medical History:
I was diagnosed with two small fibroid tumors and I believe that the fast will help minimize if not completely dissolve them so that I will one day be able to conceive. Good News the tumors have significantly been reduced since my last fast in December. This time i'm going for total dissolution.Present Medication or Drug Usage:
ibuprofen for occasional monthly pain.Present Medical Problems:
I have two small fibroid tumors and I'd like to have children.State of Mind:
i'm positive and this time excited about the possibility of getting past 15 days or 5 days without something negative happening.Limitations:
no limitations only expectations
Progress Report ID-7745 by AngelGirl
81 Responses to Progress Report ID-7745 by AngelGirl
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Hi AngelGirl.,
Energy changes during fasting. I do not recommend long water fasts for a first fast. I think you should read more of the site before you start. Glad to be of support just a bit lazy to retype answers already on the site in detail.
Hi Angel,
How many pounds did you lose on your 21 day fast?
Just wondering, I am on it now……
Not my first either, but my longest.
Hi Melissa:
On both water fasts…I lost… get this “17″ pounds each time. I think my body is stuck on 17 (smile). Right now…my chunkiness stands at 179. My goal is 110…
Hey Angel,
We can definitely be fasting buddies. I check this website daily and I post my progress daily. Are you officially starting your fasting tomorrow? Melissa is also fasting, so we can all support each other.
It is a pleasure to chat with you. Daily[:)] I like the idea of accountability so I will post daily. Yes, I will start my first 40-day water fast on Black Friday November 27, 2010. I’m excited:)…I just re-read your message…congrats Melissa…this will be great! Now I have some fasting buddies and accountability, support and encouragement….Awesome!
Today has been my official start day, I got up early this morning for prayer and meditation. I accompanied my sister for some Holiday shopping. I am proud to say that as she stopped for gourmet coffee I drank my prepared my herbal tea before leaving this morning and sipped proudly as she drove. I took a water bottle with me just in case and I’ve been sipping all day. I will drink more water and sip on tea before retiring to bed. I shared with Melissa that since it’s only day 1 i’m going to gradually give up the sugar-free gum. For some odd reason the sugar-free tasted funny and I want to get through my first 40 day water fast as painless as possible. It’s evening and I know that I’ve got to start sipping soon so that I’m not hungry before retiring to bed. I’ll post tommorrow
I strive on accountability as well Angel! Isn’t this great!!
I’m pretty “fit” (using it loosely, I’m strong and lots of muscle, but alot of loose skin and fat, 3 babies later and weight loss) so I think I carry my weight well. Love to get rid of the saggy-ness of things but hey I’m happy very happy with weight gone at least!
Yesterday was my start and I was 170 on the button, hoping for 140 would make me really happy, not tiny, I have never wanted to be; my first goal was 190 then 170, so I reached those, the last will be the best
Have a great day girls!
Hi Melissa:
Congratulations on Day #2
Yesterday, I only ate veggies and drank nearly 1 gallon of water with lime. I went to bed rather late and got up this morning for prayer and meditation. My sister and I got a late start on the Holiday shopping. I grabbed a cup of herbal tea no sugar {by the time this is over I’ll be saying yippee} and sipped while she stopped for gourmet coffee. I also had a water bottle in the truck just in case I got hungry. So far so good I’ve had 1/2 gallon and will drink a few more ounces and sip on tea before retiring to bed. I have to stop chomping on the gum. For some odd reason the sugar-free tastes funny and I want to get through this as painless as possible.
First off, late start on holiday shopping? No way! I haven’t bought one single item yet!!!
The gum, ugh as soon as I began fasting the gum was gone, never again……. I find it makes me more hungry, and I think it’s actually carbs? no thanks.. I also heard it keeps your stomach from shrinking?! I dunno about that one, but I know I can’t handle chewing gum and fasting!
I noticed that your doing 40 days, how are you going to handle the end of your fast when it’s christmas? Keeping strong I guess…. I know that I am being done b4 christmas taking that week off, then probably partial week fasts….. seems like my body only needs a tiny amount to survive anyway..
Glad to hear your just about over that horrible day 1!
LOL!…I am strictly on a window shop budget and bought household supplies [budget is waaay too tight for that]. My sister did the shopping, I held the buggy and blocked the isles (lol!…trust me it was a sight) and since it’s only the 2nd time i’ve ever gone shopping for Black Friday…I actually had fun watching her shop and the crowds of people fighting over “Holiday Items”.
As for not eating during the holidays…if yesterday was a good indication {I stayed busy by engaging family in conversation ~ sipping water ~ cooking and playing with my nephews while the adults ate} I think I”ll be okay. I’ll get plenty of old movies to watch and if necessary I’ll pull out the juicer and sip on a cup of juice before going to visit family/friends.
Thanks for the tip on the gum..I think by Saturday I’ll be finished chewing my last pack…LOL…I’ll just stick with mints…:)
How is your fast going? Any exciting weight loss news?
mmmmmmmmMMMmm now I want mints
I was a gum junkie for sure, my favorite being good old juicy fruit…… memories….lol
Does your family know your fasting?
I keep mine a secret which isn’t surprisingly hard at all! As long as they eat they don’t notice if anyone else hasn’t!
hey how is your fasting going?
Hi Amanda:
Today I found myself kinda dragging… I caught myself from making a bad mistake this morning. I always make a cup of herbal tea to start the day and I didnt want to walk back downstairs so I just added sugar out of habit…After the first sip…I threw it away and remade my herbal tea with just water…I felt better after i drank the cup.
Today I’ve made myself sip on water…but I’ve been exhausted…trying not to take a nap so that I can sleep all night. I can feel my body temperature getting lower…so I think I”m getting colder faster…plus the temperature is beginning to drop again. LOL!…I’m hoping the fat and the rolls will take a hint and start evaporating…ha ha
Did anyone experience challenges with sleeping in a prior fast? I can remember getting sleepy earlier…maybe i’m being paranoid as it’s only Day 2 and perhaps I did too much yesterday.
Looking forward to Day 3…and the journey continues
Just out of curiosity…How long was it before you weighed yourself? I will probably do it every 7 days but just really curious to see what you did and how you have been able to monitor your progress
Wow. I don’t think I can make it to 40 days but I am going to look forward to your results. Good luck and please keep us posted
Hi Kiko:
I think for me the accountability; to know that others observing is the catalyst I need when I walk upstairs and realize that someone is cooking and the aroma smells delicious. But then I’m reminded of my goals as i stroll down the hallway and I’ve got two hips gasping for air and yelling ” wait up…i’m dragging back here”…LOL that it helps me stay focused.
I shared with Melissa yesterday that I’m having challenges with chewing gum. It’s something that I do everyday. I bought like 6 packs. I understand that it’s not best when you’re on a fast so i’ve been chomping down all day..I think I tried to chew as much as possible for a sugar fix…LOL! My car has been in the shop since Monday and I was thinking how many packs do I have left in the console? ~ How much will I need to chew when I p/u tommorrow..LOL
I’m grateful for this site…the support is awesome..I think I”m looking forward to writing daily about this journey.
I am not a fun of chewing gum but I do understand the sugar fix, because that’s my weakness . I am rooting for you AngelGirl. You can do it. I will start a fast tomorrow but I think I’ll start with 3 days straight and see how far I can go.
Hugs from me,
I’m right there with you. I purchased mints yesterday, to keep me from chewing. I just looked at the pkg and realized that 4 pc are 14g of sugar. Ugggh far too much. I will keep one or two in my purse just in case the “fasting breath” starts to act up. I guess this is keeping my body from the ketosis state and I dont want to deny my fat flesh the opportunity to absorb & exchg. the bad for the good.
I’ve got confidence in you that those 3 days will fly right by and your body will appreciate you for them.
Tommorrow is day 3 and I wonder what it will bring. I bought some seltzer water to help me with the sugar fix. I cant remember which site I was researching in which the author uses it to help him during the fast. I’m not a fan of the bubbles so we’ll see what happens.
Hi Kiko:
How was Day #1? Were you successful
I’ve been fasting for a bit, and am hoping to reach my weight goal before the new year starts, but I cannot imagine not being able to treat myself during the end-of-year holidays. I admire your strength.
As for the gum, as I understand it, any chewing motion, even if you’re chewing water, activates the digestive system in anticipation. During a fast, we’re usually hoping to stop the digestive system, so that its energy expediture is at a minimum, and all that energy goes to purifying and burning fat. So chewing gum, I guess, slows down your progress a bit.
Thanks I never thought of it that way…I guess I’ve got more discipline now…so I’ll put the remainder of the gum in the trunk w/the emergency first aid kit…
That way I’ll feel better…just hope i dont get a fix/fit…on the way home from the mechanic…YIKES
I’ll have to do additional research on the subject just to satisfy my curiosity.
As for not eating during the holidays..Food can be frozen…LOL!….
I think for now I’m okay with it…I’ve got a bday coupon and I’ll be armed Monday afternoon to get a little black dress. I will let the size 6 be my motivation…6 more sizes to go…:)
Thanks again…I researched until I found my answer
“Do not chew gum while on the fast. The digestive process starts with chewing and prompts the body to secrete enzymes into the gastrointestinal tract. If there is no food in the stomach for the enzymes to digest, trouble occurs”
This helps tremendously…
OMG!…today I almost slipped. I was making dinner for my younger nephews. I didnt sample the food just reheated but I needed to make some lemonade b/c there was no juice. I sipped on a mouthful…ugggh I felt so horrible…my youngest nephew is 21 months…and I didnt want it too sweet. It’s not as if he could tell me that it was too sweet…his was response was “mmmmmmm”…
I immediately put a tsp of acv [apple cider vinegar]in a glass of water and just sipped. I read online that it has so many uses and I needed something to calm my nerves[] I dont consume alcohol…I think I scared myself but i didnt add any of the herbs with it …. i just drank it straight. I dont think I consumed nearly enough water today because I just felt grumpy and cranky. Had to keep it under wraps b/c i had an audience of 2 little people under 3.
I’m beginning to notice changes in my energy levels. I’m energetic early on in the day but it fades late evening…so i’ve got to pace myself…as it’s only Day #3 what can i say?
well…it’s on to day #4…I’ll be ready and armed
Day 3 and 4 is usually when the ketosis fully kicks in. For me, those were the days where I had the least energy and the most cravings. After that, I found my energy levels stabilized, and I got to the point where I only slept 4 hours a day and felt completely alive. Then again, my body disobeys all the fasting rules and guidelines, it is either very blessed or a freak of nature. Never a dull moment.
Again: you peaked my interest…I’ve got to research more about ketosis. That explains why i seem to feel so frumpy and angry…errrrgh And why I dont sleep long I’ve been sipping herbal tea all morning i guess i need to get started on my water…maybe i will feel better
thanks again
I wouldn’t suck on mints either. Chewing is part of the process of starting digestive enzymes but the flavors in mints will do it too. What is in your herbal tea? I am wondering if that could cause you to have some difficulty too. According to Fred Bisci, if there are any carbs at all, it will start digestion. Maybe Tom could either verify or tell us if I have the info wrong.
That is great that you are able to do this with little ones around! I can’t tell you how often I have gone on a fast, fixed food, got something on my fingers, and stuck them in my mouth without thinking. Even when eating raw, I sometimes go to eat something cooked without thinking.
Hi Wendy:
I mix milk thistle and pau d’arco together- or rather i boil water and add the tea bags…no sugar or lemon. just plain water. My herbalogist gave me those two because I have two small fibroid tumors that I’m trying to disengage from my body. I gave up on my mints and decided that i would just use a different mouthwash and not say too much while the detox process is taking place.
I’ve had 1 c. tea, and some seltzer water today…b/c I had my nephew and didnt think i could make it w/o a pick me up. I added a smidget of lemon and sipped while he ate his “chicken” kids meal. Uggh talk about torture. I dont eat chicken anyway, but to have to sit and cut those pieces for him to eat…ugggh
Okay, he is gone and now I can drink my water in peace…ooh well, got 42 more ounces of water to go and it’s not 8pm…Lord, where does the time go?
I did locate the information for Dr. Bisci…thanks for that tip…I think once I come off of my 40 day fast…I’m going to enjoy fresh fruits and veggies and just being green…my favorite color
Angel!! Weigh Day, Ima check off and on all night, I hope you post it! I was 165 tonight, so that’s 5 pounds in 5 days
Can’t wait for 150′s!
Actually I havent weighed myself yet…but I can feel myself shrinking…LOL I’ve decided to wait until Friday for the verdict….Week #1 down and 5 more to go…I must admit…this has been a test of wills and discipline but I am super-determined.
Okay, please keep me posted…I’m so excited for you
I got up in the middle of the night and had like 3 pieces of cheese, and one piece of ham, my mind when I’m sleeping…I don’t know what it’s going thru, all I can say is at least it was sorta healthy ………hmmmmmm
Also I’m fighting a cold and let my self have 3 tangerines last night and 2 pieces of celery…trying to get the vitamin c into me, I can’t fast when I’m sick so I’m trying to fight it so hard………..
Keep up your strength…Your children need you. Try some vitamin c drops and some garlic…it has anti-parasitic and anti-inflammatory properties that should help with your cold. If you chop two cloves and let them sit for at least 5 minutes; it releases allicin that will help your body to ward off infection. I usually chase it with apple cider vinegar at night before going to bed.
P.S. I know your body snatched that food up like a thief and said “thanks I needed that”…LOL But you’re determined to see it through…keep up the good faith effort
oops now I messed up I got you mixed up with Amanda LOL. Well have you done a weigh in yet?
Dear Melissa. Sorry i contact you on this page, but i am new here and dont know how to contact you on your page. So hope you will find it and read it:) Would like to ask you few questions, bcs i have red your comments on few ppls pages. And you are saying that you are fasting ect, but then u writting that u ate 1000 kcal in night or u woke up in night and ate ham and cheese. Which is not very good time to break fast and not good choice as both (chesse and ham ) are processed food and they r both animals product , so quite heavy for your body to digest after longer fast. Would be great if we can get in touch.
xxx Dussy
Hi dussy! Yes the water fast hasn’t been straight days! But I am attempting and that’s all I can do I have done it before it’s just a rough road start. Thanks for your concern. And it’s not a thousand calories by any means, 200 at the most! I’m still losing and that’s all that matters to me! Good luck in your endeavors as well.
And things are digesting quite well LOL
Angel, I hear you about preparing kids foods. Even when it is something you normally would not like, when you are fasting, it is tempting. Keep up the good work!
Today I spent time with nephew #3, yesterday I had nephew #4… This will be 3 soon and he likes Wendy’s chicken nuggets…Ugggh my siblings have these children that love chicken [which i detest]
Today was a rough day for me: nausea, headache, lethargic not to mention the cold rain which didnt help much. I even consumed 99 ounces of water. While last night was the first nite that I slept for 8 hours…I thought today wouldve given me more energy. I had so many errands today that I stopped and purchased water. I drank a 33 oz btl of water before i got out of the store. The greeter at walmart asked me if i was dehydrated? LOL!…
I weighed myself and to-date i’ve lost 4 pounds I couldnt wait i’m at 175 but i feel lighter than that. I’d hoped to see more but i guess the ketosis is finally kicking in and by next week i should see more of a loss. I lost 2 inches. I’m sticking to my guns and gave away my mints and i’m off gum until next year. I dont want anything to mess up my progress.
I found myself sitting in rainy traffic and just crying out to God for a paradigm shift. I need a change. So all of you believers out there please keep me in prayer.
Welll, it’s been a long day…see you all tommmmmmmorrow
Lifting you in prayer! You can do this! You have made so much progress. Two inches! That really is a lot. Most people diet for weeks before that happens. Keep up the good work.
You dont know how much that means…thanks so much I appreciate you…[since i'm not a mommy, i appreciate the mommy/nurturer in you
Hi All it’s Day #6…cant believe that tommorrow is 7 days: it feels good now that I’ve finally gotten past the gum and mints ordeal
Today was another rough patch with the energy level…uggh I hope this tapers off soon. I had to get to the unemployment office this morning by 7:30…did i get up at 5 as planned? NO!!! I felt like i’d been hit by two MAC trucks..
..JESUS!…I could barely move one foot before the other…literally, I struggled to get myself clothed and together…my body was begging for rest. I came upstairs and family members were cooking bacon [i confess, my favorite snack LOL!
] and coffee was brewing. I quickly grabbed a lime and sucked the juice to re-focus myself. Needless to say armed with plain hot herbal tea {needed it ~ way too cold outside…burrrr
} and water I made it to my appt by 8:45 and left at 11:45 to start my other errands…I thought “Thank God!” Tommorrow I will start a light walking regimen–nothing too strenuous at the gym. I helped family clean out some closets for clothing donations…I felt like I exerted myself too much…so I sat for over an hour until I felt better…I did improve ~ I just know that I cant do more than 3 trips up the stairs…
I sipped water and even returned to the store and purchased 3 packs of water [24 ea] determined to keep up my momentum. I took a short nap and started studying for my exams. Still havent met my 1/2 gallon quota but I got until 11pm..{:) } I’ve had a nagging headache all afternoon. I hope the ketosis passes soon and my energy elevates but I researched enough about water fasting to know to pace myself so I’ve scheduled out the remainder of the week and the beginning of next. Mid=afternoon naps…:) I’m really looking forward to my halfway point at Day 20~just to see how much progress that I’ve been able to make. My rings are beginning to fit better…and I feel lighter like i’ve let go of some heavy burdens.
Until tommorrow
For your sake, I hope ketosis doesn’t stop. You’re either using glucose (glycolysis) or ketones (ketosis) to keep your body and mind running. Without either, you wouldn’t end up all too well.
Frankly, the worst effect of the switch to ketosis should have passed by now. If you’re still tired now, don’t expect it to change for a while.
Orion is right. You don’t want ketosis to stop till you are ready to break the fast. You will be hungry if it does. Look at the fatigue as your body telling you it needs to rest. It is not a bad thing; it is good. You are healing right now. Rest helps.
Thank you both. Today wasnt a good day. I accompanied my mother to her physical therapy appt. While scheduling her next appt. I popped a Hershey’s Kiss in my mouth and then when I realized it… I swallowed it by mistake and didnt chew…I felt horrible…uggh minor set back
I got on the receptionist for leaving such temptations at the window. She laughed…but it didnt make me feel better.
And if that werent bad enough I forgot the one key rule: let me digress…I had exploratory surgery on my vocal cords about 4 years ago and I’m not to have any carbonated anything under any circumstances. There was no other water in the store so i grabbed the seltzer water and kept moving. [uggh, i shouldve gone to the gas station] It leaves my throat inflammed and sore for about three days. Uggh since I’ve had seltzer water…my throat is now sore red and very inflammed which makes swallowing something a chore. Which also means that I’ve only been able to get in 90 oz of water today [normally I drink 1 gallon or more b/c of my physical activity] with the help of the sucrets that I’ve been sucking on with a vengeance. ****Lesson so learned*****
But on a happier note, I think i’ve dropped 8 pounds…even with that “bad” single Hershey’s Kiss. :0)
I think that’s why there was no fatigue today; but in order for me to stay on my fast I will get some zinc lozengers and stick with them for about 3 to 4 days. Afterwards it’s back to ketosis—but i’m sticking to my plan.
It’s amazing how fasting can give you such mental clarity. Now if i could stop going from one thing to the other and stay focused…how amazing that would be. Day 6 even though I had a minor set back…I feel that God is still faithful …and I’m still committed to my goal. Tommorrow I will be at the gym getting in my 3 miles…well, that’s my goal to walk 3 miles every morning
OOh well, back to my studying and planning…gotta get up early tommorrow morning again…let’s see if there is sugar residue left so that i wont feel so bad in the am…Day #7…I will have survived one week. I just packed my bag with water bottles so that I avoid all temptations before leaving in the morning…whohoo
Even after 4 years you can’t have any carbonated bevs?! Worst Coca-Cola Company customer ever…
During my first fast in June, I decided to do an experiment. The further one gets into a water fast, the more violent the body tends to respond if you mess up and eat something bad. Since I didn’t notice a thing (besides weight loss), even after 30 days into the fast, I tried a Snickers bar just to see what would happen. My body wasn’t happy. Apart from the cramps, I felt tired the whole next day. What’s worse is that by that point, my bowel movement had completely stopped. That Snickers bar didn’t change that, it just got lost somewhere in my intestines, waiting till everything got started up again. Not a good thing.
Consider it a cautionary tale for when you get to week 3 and beyond. There are enough stories of people that ended up throwing up and very sick after they accidentally snacked during a fast. We can recover from almost anything, doesn’t mean it’s gonna be pleasant.
LOL!…I know right…I felt better this morning…of course, id consumed the entire box of sucrets…so i finished about 100 oz of water today.
wow! your experiment sounds wicked
( How long was your fast in June?…what do you mean your bowel movement stopped? or do you mean that b/c you werent consuming there was no output?
i will keep it all in mind. All i know is that i’ve dropped almost 10 pounds…today is week #1…one week ago today [black friday] yippee…5 more to go oooh boy!
I accidentally bit into a piece of gum today…as i’m unemployed and my family has taken advantage all year long…oooh i cant believe with all the education i cant find a good job…but anyway, b/c he is visually impaired he wanted me to ride the paratransit bus with him instead of driving…let’s just say i gave that piece of gum a workout b/c we waited for over two hours for the service and we finally ended up getting a cab…rather than vent i worked out my frustration on the gum and read/studied…eerrrrrgggggggh
About my fast in June, took some searching, this site isn’t the most ordered one:
My fast was really really strict. Nothing but water, no cheating either, or I’d consider it over and have to start anew. Because I took public transit every day, I did surrender to taking some vitamins dissolved in water to help my body fight off disease. But nothing else. Well, except for the odd experiment or 2.
After that, I kept wanting to do it again, and I kept trying to no avail. Then, for no other reason but to see if I could keep my food expenses for November at absolute 0, I started fasting again November 1, for the entire month. Not as strict this time, I did have tea, just no food.
Actually, the effects were worse this second fast. More being tired, less capable of handling food afterwards, lower blood pressure.
As far as weight loss was concerned, I lost about 50 pounds during my first fast, gained about 15 afterwards, lost another 20 in November. Now I’m trying to choose if I should fast 4 days a week, and eat the other three. I wonder what kind of effect that would have…
And yeah, I meant that I only urinated at that point, no other business. So many original ways to put it.
Bowel movement is when the bowels stop evacuating everything they can’t use.
I meant, of course, bowel movement is when the bowels evacuate everything they can’t use.
Thanks for commenting on my report AngelGirl. I read through your posts on what it is like when properly in ketosis. They are really helpful in preparing me for what is waiting ahead of me. Does the hunger get excessively worst or does it level out after day 4? I can handle feeling tired but feeling ultra hungry will be a greater burden I think.
Actually I feel better…I noticed that I still smell almost everything…I was out today with my brother and I could smell the dust in the carpet…it made me naseaous…but then again i’m weird like that…I had to get up when we were sitting in the lobby waiting on the paratransit service…the custodian came by with a vacuum and I thought “God please save me~all of those odors…uugggh”
Otherwise, I go to bed late which is normal and I sleep a full 8 to 9 hours..which is abnormal…and when I’m exhausted physically i rest my body…
what is ur goal weight angel?
Hi Melissa:
What is my goal weight? 115…I can be comfortable at 125…but i really feel it when i go over…I can feel myself shrinking … my left side where the fibroids are visiting isnt throbbing as much…i find myself getting up and dancing to commercials between episodes.
I refuse to weigh myself again until Friday December 10th…I will drink as much water and tea as i can handle…walk…minimize strenous activity
I’ve been off here for a couple days so I didn’t get the chance to comment on some of your posts. But don’t you just hate it when people don’t take health seriously?!… and in a place that is supposed to be promoting health.
You are on the right track though. Keep it up!
Hi Wendy:
Good to hear from you…I hope and pray that things are looking up for you…is your hubby being more supportive of you now…I’m confident that things are moving in the right direction.
How is your bp?…still going down i hope? How are you progressing in lieu of the holiday events?
and yes, I do hate when people arent taking things so seriously:O
Hi All:
Today was an incredibly busy day for me…I ran errands did a stint of volunteer work and still didnt get in all of my water…maybe 42 oz. I’ve got until 11:30 pm to drink at least 80 which is my minimum.
Having read a lot of progress reports & posts…I came across one from Ashley who is also following a 40 day fast. She has read a lot of material from Arnold Ehret. So today before starting my volunteer duties…I added fresh squeezed lime juice and 1/4 tsp of honey to my water to help me keep up the physical demands. It wasnt enough honey to taste but it helped me to better manage my energy level today.
I’m uncertain about incorporating it daily so for now when I go to the gym i will add fresh squeezed lime juice to my water for workouts. My bff is an rn and like Tom, she told me it would keep my electrolytes balanced…which is important b/c of the physical activity.
Every so often, I get a small throbb for a headache that seems to want to attach itself to me but for the most part i have energy and I feel so much better and lighter. I hope to see better results this coming friday. My prayer time, worship and meditation has been awesome!
ooh well, i’m getting sleepy and i’ve got one more bottle to go…chat later
Keep up the great work! I put lemon in my water and sometimes a dash of cayenne if I am feeling hungry and headachey. I also discovered 100% coconut water which is full of electrolytes. I love it!
Have a good rest!
thanks what a great idea…i used cayenne when i did the mastercleanse but never thought to use it again…you’re absolutely correct it would be great for headaches.
and the coconut water hmmm…i think you might be on to something
Hi all: Today was another busy day, volunteering with a church ministry for the Christmas Holidays. I think I did more unsweetened herbal tea than water. I did just barely make the half gallon mark…doesnt include the cup of fasting tea (Yogi makes a wonderful Healthy Fasting Tea) that i will sip before I retire for the night. I found myself sleepy at 6:45…I guess b/c of the extra activity. I felt completely energetic today…I got up early and finished the day’s activities…chased one of my 2 year-old nephews around the house when he came over…”he gave me that look: “when did you get this much energy?”…I feel so much better…I have to keep myself on track…please someone remind me that I need to finish my online course on Dec 14th…OMG hold my feet to the fire
I must admit that I feel better this Sunday night than I did last week. I noted that I have to re-rinse after brushing and using regular toothpaste & mouthwash. I wake up with the aftertaste on my tongue at 3:30 am and I have to get up and re-rinse w/baking soda…if not then i’m nauseaous. This week I’m going to find natural toothpaste and mouthwash. My stomach and tastebuds are sensitive and I cant stand it on my tongue. But the baking soda and peroxide mix will do the trick until I can get to a healthfood store.
I’m still waiting for the coating on my tongue to completly disappear. I’m looking forward to my halfway point of 20 days…I think after that it will be pretty good and I can coast to 40 days. I still have moments that I want to taste. Like yesterday, I cooked chilli for my mom…I must admit that I get creative when I’m not eating and I want to cook everything…But here is the weird thing…I used gloves to handle the turkey meat…do you know that I had to get up this morning and cut open a lime to get the scent of the meat off of my hands i felt like it was on my skin…i thought wow! how weird.. Anyway, in case anyone wants to know i heard that the chilli was great…I put up 1 cup for myself in the freezer sometime in the spring…I might have forgotten about it by then and wont want the meat…but i doubt it…i hear my brother-in-law got two helpings and another plate for tommorrow’s lunch..:-)
last thing: i feel that I’m shrinking..i will weigh myself on friday…but i feel alive…if that makes sense…:-)
please forgive me…a sleepy woman is trying to stay committed and post nightly…have a great evening and i’ll post tommorrow
Can’t wait for your weigh day friday!
Doesn’t it feel good to feel lighter! I know what you mean about the energy!
Love your posts, I read them all!
Now go finish your online course! Only 9 more days!
What are you taking?
oops i’m taking a management course
Wow! another day…i just want one where i dont have to go somewhere or run an errand…i find it so draining…by the way, i’ve lost another 1/2 inch. my sweats are fitting nicely no more screaming or pulling fabric. lol i still have jiggles just not as bad.
i still get headaches throughout the day…but i try to sip my water as often as possible to get through it…this morning i woke up with the most awful coated tongue ever!!!
( i got up with broken sleep and brushed my teeth and went back to sleep…i keep reviewing the water fasting youtube videos I’ve gained a better understanding on the why and why nots? For instance I should use a tongue scraper early in the morning..dont swallow just brush…the body is still detoxifying…i also got up this morning w/gobs of mucous…i’m thinking wow! i hadnt had coffee in months…could this mucous have been hanging around in the intestines looking for an outing
today, it was busy so i added a bit of chlorophyll into my water and omg! thank Goodness i was near a restroom…i kept thinking i’ve not had food why is there something in my bowels???…but you’d better believe i felt like new money when i stepped out of that restroom…[ i think i hear the music
] i mean whatever it was that was released [giggle] it appeared to be a minature poison and my body had issues and made peace afterwards…sorry waaay too much information
got some natural toothpaste today from Whole Foods…Jason Powersmile..peppermint flavor…when i walked down the isle i could smell the mint…lol
my energy level remains up & down…body odor is beginning to change for the good…last week i was scared to go anyway w/o backup perfume and mints…this week i think the fibroids are trying to throb as a way to tell me they’re going to be eaten by ketosis…yippee…i was hoping for hips & thighs but i’ll gladly get rid of those pesky little creatures…
i’m not sure if it’s b/c it’s getting colder but i’ve got the sniffles, some additional mucous and my throat has that itchy feeling…like i need vitamin c…so tommorrow it is water & lemon and herbal teas…
i keep this up i can get a job as a sniffer…LOL…might need to plug that into my daily job search
ooh well, until tommorrow
You’ve got some great willpower staying away from the food you had to cook. I have to admit, this far into it I dont know if I could have done it. Right now I am really enjoying savoring the aromas of my hubbys food while he is eating and snacking and my temptation hasn’t been that great to taste, just smell. But if I actually had to cook, that’s another story!
Keep doing great and congrats on the weight loss! What fast-day is it for you now?
good morning:
it is day #12…as usual broken sleep…i got up with my tongue scraper…and went to work…i thought i’d get a head start on my job search before studying for my online course.
today, since i have the sniffles it is water with lemon & plain herbal teas. if the sniffles continue then i might add a bit more lemon to the water…but i shall persevere. I’ve never felt this good and this determined…not even when i did the master cleanse for 45 days.
my skin which is normally acne-prone is finally beginning to show signs of improvement and it’s not as oily.
OMG!! OMG!!…OMG!!…just realized i drank the wrong tea last nite…smooth move…ugggh..i had so much lemon in my tea to mask the taste to help with my sniffles i didnt pay any attention…no wonder i dont feel so well…putting it away right now…i used it when i did the mastercleanse…i will be sure to label all of my boxes…not sure how this will affect my day…
i will post later and read up on all of my fasting buddies just to see how where their journeys are taking them…until this evening…
Hasta Luego
How did today go with the Smooth Move tea? I am hoping it went smoothly.
Seriously, I am guessing that it might have removed some gunk from your body and made the fast easier.
Praying you find the right job soon!
Sooo not good…I didnt think I had anything left but I did…I dont think i’ve gone to visit my bathroom or anyone else’s that many times in one day…
But here’s to getting the rest of the gunk removed from my body…
Thanks so much Wendy…I really appreciate your prayers…you just dont know how much
Today was fine, after my porcelain moments. I sat and did a job search and drifted off to slumber. I’m not sure I could go this long and be working with just water…It would definately be a juice fast… But then I journeyed[ i guess it's a word lol } to pick up nephew #3 from daycare. As usual he wanted his Wendy's chicken nuggets...i thought ok...they dont smell so bad...he ate a box of raisins...i thought i'm okay i'm okay...i sipped on my water on the ride home...
we played, laughed...i fed him dinner [uggh i'm never eating wheat again...he Gerber's mac n cheese...i almost barfed...he got a jr. frosty and water and milk]…OMG! no wonder children have such bad colds…all of the dairy that they consume…OMG…I want to raise mine differently…Lord, please send the right man into my life…oooh that’s another fast…sorrrry….LOL
again, i downed another 16.9 oz of water …i added some himalayan crystal salt before i left home…it was tasty and i was okay…
we played more, got dressed for bed and then his mommy came home…my s-nlaw and i chatted and ended up talking about the fast THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN she became negative as though it were unsafe…wouldnt let me leave unless i drank some juice…i thought she was joking…she is a counselor…OMG!…i had to sip on some juice > less than .5 oz…i immediately felt so horrible…it was like the sugar made me worse…I told her that…she said it made her feel better…uggh i want to wring my brother’s neck…
My head throbbed all the way home…i text her and told her how her actions made me feel and i felt worse physically…she called her dad who is a Pastor and she apologized…it didnt lessen how i feel right now. As i type i’m still steaming…the zinc lozenger isnt helping me…it tastes nasty too…
No point in me complaining…I’ve made it home safely…please pray my strength…ugggh
I’m not sure if i’m doing anything wrong or not…I just feel like i’ve got to do something for my body to jumpstart and get more weight off…maybe it’s just around the corner and i havent seen it yet…maybe it’s just my imagination from the zinc lozengers and the sip of juice…i feel like i’ve got to restart or something
anyway, i’ll have a cup of tea in the morning with lemon and just water for the rest of the day for the next three days and weigh myself Friday evening…
oooh well i guess day #12 wasnt too bad…i suppose it’s just that family can be supportive or a hinderance…just my two cents worth
You say you need to do somehting for your body to get more weight off, you haven’t seen it yet…………
Listen to this!! Your not weighing till Friday right…. so you haven’t weighed all along?? SOOOO, you just do not realize the pounds you HAVE lost! Trust me on this one, I have lost 50 pounds thus far….. I FEEL EXACTLY LIKE I AM THE SAME PERSON. Unless somebody says to me, wow you look great.. I still feel the same, I dunno what it is, but the only way I can tell is if I catch my reflection when I am out, and that’s it.. I bet if you weighed right now you would know that ur losing the weight. You could just be like me and totally feel the same… especially when I see myself naked, it’s like ooooh my gawd…yuck…………..
I guess i was just having a moment…the only things that i’m wearing these days are my sweats…they are a bit loose…and i’ve lost like 1.5 inches altogether…but i guess i’ll just have to weight and see…lol
Hi all:
Today was a good day…as usual i had somewhere to go…geez i go more as an unemployed person than i did when i was working…i’m not complaining…I’m believing for God to move on my behalf so that I can relocate and start on a new venture.
Anyway, after i returned from taking mom to therapy [she had a stroke last year and doesnt always like to drive very far...has come along very well] i put plastic over windows[gotta cut those heating costs when you dont have the best windows], did a job search and took a nap…it felt great…
i’ve had nearly half a gallon of water….after i finish my post…i’m going to sip on herbal tea w/lemon…finish uploading resumes for jobs i’ve found in faith…drink another 40 ounces…study and go to bed…
Hi everyone: It’s day #14 and I dont think I did so well today…for one i didnt consume enough water or my body is hitting ketosis again…i have these headaches…like chronic…i did quite a bit of walking today…i thought b/c i’d walked at the gym and come home and taken a nap that it would help but i guess not…I had to go out again and get some grocery shopping done…so i came back again took another nap and here i sit…headache and all typing away
i am assuming ketosis b/c of the juice i drank on tuesday nite to appease my sisterinlaw…ugggh my head hurts just thinking about all of that sugar and it was for my 2.5 yr old nephew who drinks low-sugar kids juice…yesterday i drank water w/the sole and another glass with apple cider vinegar…today…solely water and plain herbal tea…starting on monday it will be strictly water again just to see where it can lead.
still have the yucky taste in my mouth…i keep thinking OMG…i must be filled with toxins…and i hadnt eaten really bad since the last water fast in july…i’ve tried to stick to a low-fat, semi-veggie, wheat-free diet…i guess some toxins slipped in there somehow
anyway, gotta go and lie down later
Hey Angel,
reading your progress has really got me excited for starting my small fast, I plan on doing a 3 day water fast a 14 day juice fast, and then amp up to a 40 day juice fast. I used to fast all the time and I understand your pain of headaches. When I was still living at home with my parents after 8 days of water fasting my dad would start complaining until I ate something with sugar. The headaches were unbearable! Sometimes I would have to start eating small doses of fruits and nuts for a couple of days to help soothe my head and then ease myself off again.
Some people can jump in and out of fasts with the drop of a pin. I personally have to ease myself in and out of them with great care. good luck!
thanks so much for the encouragement…although today was another story…i guess i need to drink more water w/these pesky headaches…i noted that the two i did this summer…i didnt have the headaches…so i must’ve really eaten something that my body is still detoxifying…i spent 10 weeks w/my bff about 3 weeks b4 i started the water fast…all we ate was fish, salads, veggie and indian food…i gained a new love for curry and spicy dishes.
i dont know how other people as you say “drop in and out of fasts”…I just dont get it…
i love the way you broke down your fasts…next year…I will try that …looking forward to reading your posts
today was a rough day…I didnt weigh myself either…
i passed out at the farmer’s market…just a nano second…i tried to recover but they were all over me…they offered food and i explained that i was fasting…then they made me drink coconut water…omg…it was devine…little to no sugar…and they juiced a bit of pomegranate for me…in broken english they explained that i needed to pace myself…i’d left home this am w/o my tea or water…trying to get in a few errands so that i could rest b4 taking my brother to the doctor…
i came home mad at myself for not preparing…even though the water and juice were good…i was still angry…after getting up from my nap…i decided that today was a mere setback…add on one more day..pick myself up…i’ve done well and keep it moving…
if the headaches come…they just come…it’s all apart of fasting and detoxifying my temple…
monday morning i’m putting myself back in bootcamp…i’m believing God for gainful employment~relocation and a few other things…so i’d better start getting up again like i’m headed to work…that includes: exercise, and preparation of water bottles w/lemon juice…i’ve got baskets that i need to make use of any way on the back seat of the car…
i bought some lemons and i’ll add lemon to the water if my headaches become too severe…but i’m picking myself up after turning off the pause button…
i pray tommorrow brings more peace and joy…
well>>> i couldnt resist!!! I just had to go and weigh myself…i started at 180 and i’m at 165 on the nose…14 days…that is a little less than 1 pound per day…15 pounds down 50 more to go…yippee…that made my temporary black-out moment worth it
i really feel better…saturday morning will have a new perspective for me…i’ll begin with prayer and worship and focusing on a new plan to help me reach that 50 pound weight loss…115 here i come!
Wow 15 pounds…I feel great…well better after my setback…besides it goes hand-in-hand with that scripture Phil 4:13…
i know that w/o a doubt i will finish out the 40 days…i will ease myself into dilluted juice for a few days…a bit of fruit and then i will try a juice/water fast…I think I’m becoming like Melissa it’s addictive and cost-saving but most importantly it works for your health…but what i’ve found is a renewed independence and discipline…
I just ordered a new juicer [Jack Lalane] —by the way if anyone is interested they had a 2 for 1 special…the power express is compact sized with the same motor & features but just for smaller kitchen space…$99 + s/ My sister swears since she split the cost that she will try a 21 day juice fast with me. We always try to follow Pastor Jentezen Franklin church as they begin every new year with a fast. This year it’s January 9-30th. We will see if she actually keeps up the pace.
I will try some recipes from Cherie Calborns book that I got yesterday. Juicing,Fasting & Detoxing 4 Life
Hi all:
today was weird…I was okay when i woke up…had to get up and meet my mom and one of my sisters…i took the remainder of my coconut juice/water with me…sipped on it…and got sick…
i feel like i took my body waaaaay out of fasting mode…i’ve seen more the bathrooms today than i wanted to see…i know all of the tile and styles of bathrooms of the local establishments now…much to my dismay…
i drank water with lemon and my stomach couldnt take it…i feel like i need to ease my body back into fasting…not sure how that happened..but the body had better get back into that mode … b/c it isnt getting food…i’m the one in charge…LOL
i checked i’m still holding strongly at 165 with clothes and shoes…wow!…wonder if i’m at 164 then?
oooh well, chat tommorrow
it’s fun and really motivating to see the scale go down isn’t it!
how have u been doing lately??
My hubby is dying for that Jack Lalane juicer. I have a different one on my wishlist but he is all about that one. Let us know how you like it!
I am sorry you’re having a rough time getting re-balanced. When they juiced the pomegranate did they also juice the seeds? How did they do it? This is important!!! The seeds are poisonous.
Don’t forget you can add the cayenne to your lemon water. It dilates the constricted blood vessels causing the headaches and has capsaicin in it for pain relief. I hope it helps. Hang in there and feel better.
Your attitude is amazing considering the scary moments and not feeling so great. Hang in there!
Hi All:
I’m back for round #2…after that temporary setback…I’m coming back with a vengeance. I errantly allowed my family and my brief setback to cause me to undo the good that the fast did for my “temple”. I noted that when I added soup with animal base then the next morning i was sick, stiff and just lethargic. I bruised the bone in my finger and couldnt get a ring on for months…that during the first 5 days of fasting…it slid on like butter now that same spot aches…only after having consumed a meat based broth. I found myself naseaous, incredibly moody and sensitive to my surroundings…ugggh i feel as if i’ve been in a bubble. OMG! it has been a nightmare. I actually feel bloated and look as if i’m 6months preggers! I have been drinking smooth move tea…and while it’s working…when this fast is over i will be more cautious of what i eat and this time i dont give a flying fat daddy’s cow what outsiders say about my mission and goal to fast. Last time i allowed the meddling of others who have no medical degrees to influence me to take a bite out of “crime of going back to old habits”…NOT this TIME!!!…
i felt better…and while i had moments of being tired, not sleeping…I am taking another online course and can stay focused, look for a job and enjoy my fast all the while renewing my relationship with God.
yes, it will be during the holidays…but i realize that either i want to be healthy and i’ve already seen what a wrong break will do or i want to be worse than i was before. food can be frozen or cooked. i’ve had time to read posts, purchase herbal teas and make sure that i’m always prepared so that i’m never disorganized during a fast again.
Let the fasting, determination and prayers begin
Welcome back Angel!! I’m so glad you are here again, I have been watching for you! I just finished I don’t know how many day fast, no longer than a week, I am below 160 now that makes me happy!
Hello everyone:
I decided to return to the website again for another round of fasting. This time i need to loose 35 pounds. I managed to keep my weight off but I want to challenge myself even more as i embark on my second management course. Since my last fast in December i’ve become a temporary vegetarian & I really feel better. I’ve just become a bit lazy in the weight loss/exercise department. One of the things that I love most about fasting is the mental clarity. I bought a juicer last year so this time I will be doing juice fasting for about 30days.
How is your juice fast going?
I am starting a water fast in the morning.