Melissa 30 years old female, weighing 71 kg / 156.2 lbs, 62 in /157.48 cm tall, Canada CA
Doing 34 days of Water Fasting. Starting January 6, 2011
Reasons for Fasting:
***~~This is my ATTEMPT for those of you that struggle with understanding why I mess up and tell~~*** I need to lose around 30 pounds.Past Fasting Experience:
Multiple 3, 5 and 10 day fasts. One 14 day fast.Present Diet:
All over the place. That's why I need this fast to start fresh and healthy with only clean food after the fast.State of Mind:
I love to feel empty.Limitations:
Three kids, food is all over the place. Too many temptations. But when I beat them, no better feeling :)Questions:
How much can be lost fasting with moderate exercise. My question answered: 10 pounds a week :)
Progress Report ID-7738 by melissa752
78 Responses to Progress Report ID-7738 by melissa752
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Hi Melissa,
Weightloss rates are based on many factors most metabolsim. Do you gain weight easily on a small amount of food. The first few days of a fast will tell you more than I can guess. Juice for a few days to start and end your fast for better results.
YES I do gain alot of weight on a tiny amount of food. I just figured out that I guess I only need very minimal amount of food to survive. Which sucks cuz I love food. I think I could probably live off 500 calories a day and just maintain……………………………………
AngelGirl says:
Hey Melissa:
I just re-read your previous posts…wow…great accomplishments :~) How long did it take you to get to 170? I really appreciate your comment about not listening to what others say about the water. I believe that if you make your mind to do something it will get done especially when fortified with prayer. I”m looking forward to my body utilizing all of my rolls and fat reserves LOL. I”ve just got to increase my exercise so i’m going to go up and down the steps a few times before bed. This is really scarey…I have an increased amount of energy already…wow!…Maybe it’s the chewing gum
Wellll lemme see, I dropped about 30 in a combination of 3, 5 and a couple 10 day fasts. I have always lost 1-2 pounds a day. But it’s weird it’s not showing that on a scale so like after a two day fast I’ll have lost 2 pounds then 4 days into it Im down a total of 7 so it comes off in the end! I’m extremely tired tonight………..
Lots of exercising these past two days, well lots of walking and a semi physical job as well. I’m staying away from the scales but I’m going to weigh tomorrow night.. so hungry, craving anything especially healthy foods!
Hey melissa how is your fast going? Are you fasting until the holidays? I am trying to walk as well, but there is a lot of snow here. Your doing great. You can do this. Cravings will always be there. Just remember our own body and mind is the only obstacle to reach our goal. If your a spiritual person like me, ask god for strength. I find praying helps me stay focused. The hardest part about fasting is being bored.
My mind is always telling me, oh just eat, its only 7 days and you can start again and your not too far into the fast. My mind had always been doing that, every time I start a fast. I just have to accept the fact that, my mind is just acting on its basic instinct to survive. Since I have plenty of fat reserves, I just have to ignore my mind. lol.
I’m going to fast until I think December 16. I hope I can go that far..
It is hard to walk with this weather, we don’t have alot of snow, but it’s very icy, makes it hard to keep a good pace!
My mind is always trying to trick me into eating as well. During my previous fasts sometimes when I fall asleep I will wake up in the night go and eat, almost subcutaneously.. It’s so weird, but when it happens like that rarely does it mess with the scales…… strange..
I believe we are stronger than our minds trying to trick us and yes it does always seem to have ideas or excuses for us to eat…..anything…….
I’m doing well, except and I hope it’s not true but I feel like I’m getting a cold…..maybe I’m just in denial and I really do actually. worst feeling ever to be fasting and have a cold, takes so much longer to get over it. Ima take some vitamins and drink as much h20 as possible. OH and lack of sleep these last couple days with the exercise I have had is really taking its tole on me. I need sleep so bad, maybe the kiddies will let me have a nappy after I make them supper (hate cooking on my fast! makes it sooo hard).
I bet your looking forward to the one week mark and weighing in? I haven’t weighed myself like I normally do consistently so I think tmrw night (I always pick night cuz I think it’s my heaviest)..
Hasn’t been very long but for me it’s awhile lol.
Hope things are going well and your saying no to those cravings, we can do it!!!!!!
Lack of sleep can wreak havoc on a body. Be careful with those low cal diets. Your body will think it is starving and slow its metabolism down. Cut back on the exercise when fasting. Your body is trying to rest and is running on low grade fuel. If you start to exercise, you are going to mess it up, and slow weightloss down.
I can’t help but walk, I have to do it and it feels great! Plus the physical part of my job can’t be stopped either! When I feel the need to eat if it can’t be controlled I eat a snack of healthy foods. Tons of water.
Weight tonight: 165.
Will weigh again Friday night
Hey melissa that’s great your 5 pounds down. At the end of the fast your going to see a huge difference. You can do it, just stay strong. By next week you will be at 150. It is so worth it. I found fasting a little bit easier after the 7th day. Imagine yourself at your goal weight. Fasting works, just stay strong.
Your words of encouragement really do help Amanda thankyou! I’m going to read and re-read this again! Your motivation and determination writings couldn’t have come at a better time, I was thinking just have a few bites of something… the other night I listened to my head, not tonight
I will succeed! And so will you your doing so great! I can’t wait until I get passed a few more days, getting farther ahead really does make the days easier! Keep up the great work! I really hope next week I am that 150 that would be amazing!!
Congrats on the loss! Keep up the good work. You are so inspirational.
Thankyou Wendy, this site helps keep track
love it!
Hi Melissa:) Definatelly getting oriented in this pages and found you page. Sorry to post you question on someone elses report. It must be hard with 3 kids around and lots of food. Now i kind of understand why its hard to stay away from food ..if u have to prepare it for family. I have that luck that dont need to cook during fast, aswell trying to not have lots of food around me so its but easier. I am glad to hear ur weight is going down. keep us posted xxx
As of tomorrow I have 14 days left to my fast, I want to make them count! I’m am beginning to really like myself, my state of mind is great, and I really truly feel good. I can’t wait for the days to progress
Thanks Dussy, I’m glad you understand why some days are a struggle! It is hard with kids around and yesterday my Santa’s Choice hampers arrived…oh my!!!
That is awesome!…My 40 days ends January 4th…I’m excited. Because I will have stayed on my course. Frozen my food from the holidays I feel so much better mentally and I have clarity which is needed b/c of my coursework!
I believe that you are going to make each one count, memorable and exciting to complete your journey.
I am excited and motivated about your success. Please keep posting
I have been holding steady at 162, I’m taking a break today from my fast as I feel miserable and I’m going to fill up on some good, healthy vitamins to hopefully get me feeling better. I can’t fast right while my body is fighting an illness. But back to it tomorrow. I’m going to do 13 and 7 day rotating fasts, with a one or two day break between. I seem to lose on these breaks, or maybe it helps keep my metabolism up. Anyway I’m so close to my 150′s goal now! Makes me very happy! And then my last goal of 140. People are making comments on how ‘skinny’ I am now. I carry my weight really well. I’m very happy where I am now but I haven’t been under 160 since I was a teen so I’m going for it anyway. It’s a good feeling to be comfortable in my body! OMG- my daughter took a full length pic of me on my camera and when I saw it I couldn’t believe it was me! WOW!
Wow Melissa how awesome…what is your physical activity like? I joined a local gym today so that i could get in that goal of 3 miles walking daily…
I hope you feel better tommorrow
Thankyou I really hope I do as well. My daughter had strep throat last weekend, now looks like my oldest son is coming down with it too
I feel like I mildly have it,,,,maybe.. hopefully just feel better and won’t have to make a trip to opd.
My physical activity:4-5 days a week is fast paced walking about 3-4 miles, heavy lifting, and constantly on the go. The other days is pretty much sedentary. That’s great you joined a gym, I was offered a free month pass the other day, I just don’t know if I have the time!
hold on stop the madness: your physical activity is 3-4 miles & heavy lifting…OMG…gf what are you doing?…how do you do it? and keep up?
my legs are killing me b/c of my activity and it’s just water…
LOL, I don’t know what I’m doing lmao! But it’s like routine now and I have to do it! Yesterday I musta walked at least 5 miles fast paced, it’s not helping at the moment with weight loss, maybe I am gaining muscle?
Hi everyone,
I have made a decision. I’m going to stop fasting until January 1. I am stopping because I am happy with my current weight and I really don’t know if I should lose anymore right now. I’m going to give my body the next few weeks to adjust to let myself just be normal. This is hard for me, fasting is like an addiction to me, it feels so good. Everyday I am fighting now not to fast (I decided this a couple days ago). My exercise is going to still be the same, I just want to eat normally and stop thinking fast for awhile. But having said that I can’t wait for the first of January. Maybe then I will want to continue for my goal of 140.. or maybe I will still be happy at my current weight (I doubt it). I am happy that I know what to expect in weight loss during fasting. And I am very happy I don’t consider myself obese anymore. I wish you all the best success in your fasts. A wonderful holiday and see you all in 2011! Let’s make it the BEST yet!!
xx much love.
I hope you are feeling better and that your transition back to food goes smoothly.
Physically, health wise I feel great… mentally I feel like I could die…. I HATE eating..
I have only been having small amounts of yogurt, fruits and tuna… I can’t stand the feeling, yet I know that eventually and normally I have to eat, I can’t fast for the rest of my life. I’m wondering am I a fat anorexic? I’m starting a 10 day fast tomorrow. Then break for one day, then 8 day fast, so on and so forth, I can’t live without having fasting in my life. I dislike everytime I open my mouth and put something in it. Oh ya and my weight now is 165. Interesting.
Thankyou Wendy, whatever bug I had has now left so that’s wonderful. Transition was nothing to my body but my head can’t seem to wrap around it.
Congrats on the weight loss and best wishes on your new fast and the rotation plan.
Is there a particular regular eating plan that you have or have tried in the past that has worked for ongoing maintenance for you?
You’ve made the decision that was wise for you. I will definately miss the motivation and all of your posts…I wish you the best in all of your endeavors. I’m confident that by Valentine’s Day you will be at 135.
Look forward to your future posts.
Peace & Blessings
hvcon: Hi! Thankyou! In the past fasts after I ease back to food, I always end up eating normally, not binging or anything like that but, normal, if I want the cheesecake for desert I have it kinda thing. Weight has never came back thankgod, but I always have a 5 pound re-gain after fasting which I always expect and doesn’t bother me, I just figure it’s the food/poo and water that is going on rather than being completley empty inside. So ya I have thought about going veg/fruit after fasting but haven’t done it. Just normal foods and no gain.
Angel: Hi! I’m back!! Day 1 of my 10 day fast (at least 10)
Yay! I hate not fasting, I was pratically forcing myself to eat the last couple days and feeling miserable. I think fasting needs to be incorporated in my life permanently somehow, maybe when I reach goal I will do weekend fasting or something to that note, because really I feel like a fat anorexic??!! I’m obsessing all the time! But anyway I am super happy today I’m back at it and am looking forward to this whole process!
Thanks for keeping in touch (wish Amanda would come back and let us know how she is doing)
Love the motivation which is in your posts and your successes!!!
Talk to you soon!
Did you guys see the youtube videos of the 3 40 day consecutive fasts; one in which she broke her fast with a piece of steak? Ouch! Just a thought.
Yes, I did see that but I missed the steak part…she looked anorexic and in pain…after reading all of the info that Tom has posted I wondered if she has any organ damage.
Wow Steak?..Geez, I’m trying to go vegetarian even though I’m type O…whew! I cant remember the last time I had a steak
10 days…couldnt resist could you…well, good…b/c i was gonna miss you
I just looked at the last video..she is now pregnant with her 8th child…JESUS!
Now I know that fasting zaps your strength…how did she manage to take care of her 7 kids and her husband…it was encouraging to me that she was fine and that she didnt destroy her organs and could conceive again…so i know that my fibroids arent bother me…i’m hoping that over the course of the fast that my body will begin to consume the fibroid tissue [nothing but dead tissue and mucous}
as a matter of fact, i’ve been watching several youtube videos…which i’d watch them before…no wonder i’ve been exhausted…but it is encouraging though
God’s grace is how she did it. She may not be so blessed next time. Crazy woman.
I need you to explain what your body does when it appears to be at a plateau…mine or maybe it’s my imagination seems to be at a stopping point and i havent made it halfway through yet…
What am I doing wrong? I almost feel as if I need to restart…I havent eaten…or perhaps it is the zinc lozengers…well, no more of those,,,,i will just tough it out
Well. Good question and I probably don’t have the best answer but here’s how it goes for me. When I plateau which happens alot!! (why I have done sooo many shorter fast) ………waitforit…….. I eat!!! I don’t gain back the fat, just about 5 pounds of water, food, and poo.. It’s like the first 5 you lose when it’s all that leaving your body. I usually take a week or two off ( I know how horrible this sounds) maybe even just a day or two. I eat normal, still drink lots of water and my physical activity is the same. This usually happens around that time of month for me. I’m not saying that this is how it should go for you but it’s how it goes for me. Even just fasting 5 days out of 7 is, I think, great for metabolism, and mine is, for as active as I am, very slow!!!
Anyway, you came to the right girl to talk about restart, I know all about that! Weight loss is not ruined when you aren’t fasting, that’s what our bodies are made to do anyway! Do what you feel is best for you, that’s all that matters. I hope I can help in some way… I’m struggling as well, fasting is going… not the best.. but I’m still doing my best is all I can do.. my daughter is really being a struggle lately. And the stress of christmas and these bills I’ve got, everything is just not good at all. But I will do with it all the best I can and that’s all we can really do right.
Hang in there!
Question for everyone:
Without telling everyone at work I am fasting, how can I get out of eating at the pot luck christmas party at work next Wednesday??? Please help!!
I did that one year. My church was on a fast just before Christmas. I drank 32 ounces of water one hour before the festivities. I came in with a bottle of water. I sat and chatted with everyone wrapped up a plate to go…and enjoyed myself. When someone asked why I didnt eat…I responded…I drank so much water already I cant eat anything right now…I dont want to be part of the holiday weight gain statistic…so I’m getting a jumpstart on my new year’s resolution…most people laughed and commented on my weight loss and determination…others shook their heads…i didnt care…i stayed on course.
Love it! I love the sounds of getting a jumpstart on holiday resolution…. I’d love to go right thru christmas fasting, I think I’d be at my goal around new years! Just seems so hard to say no to food at a food party lol. I haven’t been feeling so good at all *still* so I could use that as an excuse for not being hungry, but what about my part in cooking, still bring it……..but im sick….??
now that’s easy…when you’re sick…always do a fruit or veggie tray…little to no preparation…most of the time you can almost take it back home with you [i was always creative w/different fruits: red & green grapes, starfruit, kiwi & tangerines w/my veggies I kept is classic: broccoli, baby carrots, green & red peppers for the Christmas Spirit)…or a big greek salad…”come on Melissa – you gotta support the get fit cause” LOL…let’s face it most people arent as “health-contientious” as they pretend. you can also bring bottled water…most will keep it in their desk as a momento…LOL
just my .02 cents worth…LOL
Love the idea of a fruit or veg tray thanks angel! Something I don’t have to work with or contaminate, LOVE IT!!
Stuck at 162 for dayz…….. i get too much exercise I think.. maybe time for a break and restart to kick things up a notch…
i will weigh myself tommorrow nite…i’m a bit concerned…i see weight loss in inches…but i think i may need to sip on something else to kick start me up
something else meaning…diluted juice
I can not wait to hear your weight loss tomorrow, seriously it’s crossed my mind a couple times today! Tomorrow is day 14 right? I bet your down 15-20 pounds already!! I feel horrible about the scale not moving… I think I am exercising too much or something.. but I can’t stop that.. normally when it happens I take a lil break and move forward but I really hate to eat and hate the feeling of food in my tummy
i am only down by 15…you’d have to read my posts…i’m going to have some chicken broth tonight and maybe tommorrow and get back into full gear on monday
but i’m excited about the 15 pounds
Hi Angel!
That’s great about your weight loss! That is great keep it up! But I am hoping your feeling better..
Things have been off/on with me, although my weight has been slowly still going down, right now I feel like I’m getting my metabolism back up some, before it was shot, from all my fasting over the last year I’m finally maintaining a ‘normal’ weight. I’m excited to go on and lose my very last twenty! I can’t imagine, right now you and I are the same weight right, but you want to lose 50 more. If I lost 50 more pounds I would be stick thin, maybe I have more muscle? Or what the heck cuz there is no way I would look good under 140. Maybe it’s a height difference? but I’m only 5 foot 3….. what r u?
So on Dec 28 I’m going back to straight water fasting, for now I’m low cal/low carb/low fat, lots of liquids, and looking forward to being back at it!
Hi Melissa:
I’ve actually been sick…everything has made me sick…for 2 days i couldnt keep anything down…so for the next two days i’m doing veggies and water…then on friday…i start over…
i’m 5″2…i think 115 – 120 is a good range for me…i seemed to have gone up by 5 pounds…but i suppose it’s veggies and fruit…or whatever i can keep down and right now…almonds seem to be a good friend…
i will start my water fast again on friday 12/17…and continue for 40 days…i have to…i found that i was more focused and disciplined when i did it that way…besides…unemployment monies have come to a halt and i must stay in prayer in my pursuit of relocation and gainful employment
Angel, I’m wondering if your feeling any better yet?
I know all about sick during fasting, makes it a million times harder.. to fast and to fight to get better.. so I’m wondering how your doing?
I have been fasting 2 days/3 days off and on, right now doing a 8 day liquid (mainly water) fast.. just waiting for the 28 maybe sooner, but this is going great right now!
Still tho, weight loss is minimal, hovering around 162 depending on the day. Activity has been norm, pretty busy but not overly, but it’s going to be starting tomorrow! Maybe that’ll help my metabolism or whatever is going on. Whatever still happy with the progress!
Please let me know how your doing, I check everyday!
It’s awfully quiet around here. What am I the only crazy trying to fast during feast-mas? Ugh and it’s hurtin too, I really wanna just EAT! I come here multiple times a day hoping that someone would come on a post something….so depressing..
I feel like giving up till after the holidays. I have no idea what day I am on. I weigh 160.. I dunno why….
Hi Melissa, I’m here most days. Just checking in mostly! I read your posts back a few weeks. About making fasting a lifestyle? I fast one day a week, usually Sunday to Monday. And one week a month. No habit there….I’m actually on a 2 week fast now! And I fast one month a year. I have been doing the “one month” fast during Lent for a spiritual boost! It makes the Lenten season so much more meaningful and personal.
I’ve also been fighting the “habit’ of poor eating while NOT fasting! It’s hard…and bad for people that have detoxed their bodies! Tom said it took him 10 years to change his eating habits! I guess we have to come to the realization that our bodies just won’t tolerate the processed, and dead foods we have become accustomed to.
Also, prayer has been more wonderful and meaningful during fasting! Some prayers have been answered almost immediately!!! It’s so nice to be able to give some small sacrifice to our Lord in a very personal way!! And to have Him bless us, and hear our pleas. God Bless you! And I’ll be praying for your intentions and success. Ron
Thanks Ron. I’m glad to know there is someone out there! I like how you’ve made fasting your lifestyle. I feel like it has found me actually, it never goes away. It’s amazing I think at the amounts of food that are consumed by the average person on any given day.. and they never fast.. I can’t imagine. Some bad things have been happening lately, and feel worse than they really should, I just feel that since it’s out of my control and I wasn’t prepared and can’t fix it.. all these feelings are just killing me.. but at least I’m fasting it’s like the only thing I am doing right. Thank God for that one great feeling I do have.
Your right about the poor eating while not fasting. I often think about how I will change eating habits when each fast is done, and it’s so easy to slip up. I’m hanging in there though, again the only right thing I seem to be doing.
how encouraging…that post just blessed my soul
i too, when i complete this milestone will make fasting a lifestyle…
wow!…how awesome
Keep your faith, and belief that it’s all in Gods hands and control. If you pray for God’s will to be done…your prayers will ALWAYS be answered. Just keep “hanging” in there! All will be fine.
im here too… its my 11th day… i was sooo exhausted and gettin constant blackouts but i dint give up.. im gonna continue till 27th december after tat im going for a hoilday till 3rd jan… then back to fasting till i get 120lbs
Ron and Melissa u guys r doing well, and keep on track.. remember we have the will power and we can make it… im feeling amazing ive lost approximately 6lbs
I’m so glad your still here
I’m thinking about a break too, but I really, really don’t want to. But seems to always continue the weight loss just as well. I hate eating. Congrats on still be in it! I’m glad we are still here!
Hi poojas & Melissa!
It’s nice to know we’re all fasting together! The 27th is mee-burfday! I usually celebrate by going to music stores all day, and playing guitars that I wish I could afford! LOL…I have nine kids so they come first! But I still have a fun time..the party is at my house I always say!
God bless you guys! And have a wonderful, peace filled, Merry Christmas!
What’s up with all you christmas babies anyway. Don’t you know that’s it’s too expensive for the rest of us, and a tease to watch you open your gifts so close to christmas………………………………………… I’m just kiddin’. I hope you have a wonderful Birthday Ron, a merry Christmas and a happy new year!
Melissa, are you going to fast through the holidays? I have been sitting here reading this stream, and thinking about the fast I’m about to undertake. I haven’t fasted in years, but I used to do it a lot more often. I planned on starting today, but I got some bad news and just needed some comfort food, so I will start tomorrow. I plan on going for 25 to 35 days, unless I get too small. Please don’t ask for stats, I hate mentioning anything like that publicly. I guess I really shouldn’t be, since you all seem so nice here… but you never know who’s lurking and it just makes me feel strange :/
At any rate. I’ll hang in there with you if you need a friend. I am new to this site. Just signed up yesterday and I’d love to keep tabs on you and such and find encouragement.
Welcome to the club Denika. I think after you have been here awhile you might get more comfortable with what you share, all up to the individual I guess. Maybe if you don’t want to post your weight but rather your weight loss. I don’t know what else to say, I like to post anything I am feeling, how I am doing as best I can explain so that later, like a diary, I can report my failures and success’ and get feedback that really helps me in the whole fasting process!
Yes I am planning to go thru christmas fasting, I’m on my last 10 pound goal, then one more ten pound goal and I will be there!
After fasting I plan on living 5 days a week on fruit, veggies, soups and small amounts of healthy dairy.
I wish you the best in your fast, 25 days sounds around what I am aiming for as well!

we’ll keep each other going.
Feel free to keep tabs on me, I’ll keep tabs on you
Melissa. Thank you so much for responding, and so swiftly too
Stumbling unto this site has been such a huge blessing for me it feels. I’ve never seen such a community before, and I just feel incredibly blessed to be able to interact with people that seem to have like-minded goals and ideas on health as I do.
I started day one today. I am doing sort of a modified version of a fast, that I feel will suit my health needs and what I’m able to do.
I am going to be having water with lemon in it to help my liver detox. I will also be adding a couple of tablespoons of barley grass daily to my water to help give me the detoxing benefits of greens and all the wonderful vitamins that the barley grass provides. It is a powder from a raw juiced barley grass that you mix in your drink.
I have liver problems, and I know that juicing would be best, but unfortunately I am on a budget that won’t afford me to do a juice fast nor do I have a juicer at this time, and so I’m sort of just putting together what I think is the best alternative of what I can afford.
I do not have a lot of weight to lose, and so I am a little concerned that this may end my fast prematurely. We shall see though, I am going to go head strong into this and just see where it lands me and what happens. I am very hopeful to get my liver moving again.
Outside of fasting I am a raw vegan, so I’m very familiar with eating a healthy balanced diet of raw fruits and veggies.
And that is what I will go back to after this fast as well.
I have been reading a lot on “eat stop eat” lately and have been debating incorporating my own version of this lifestyle into my life after the fast as well.
Having one day fasts once or twice a week after this long one is finished.
Of course, I will probably want to build up my strength again perhaps before considering that… but who knows. I will just listen to my body and take it as it comes.
I am also planning on doing a lot of praying during this fast. Something I’ve never done before while fasting… but am feeling the strong need for it at this time of my life.
Do you ever pray while fasting?
Anyway, I hope that gives you a little background on me and why and how I am fasting. I will try and come on here once every 3 to 5 days or so and give you weight drop updates, in pounds and such and if I get the courage more detail
What day of your fast are you on now if you don’t mind me asking?
Don’t you find it kind of a relief to fast through the holidays? I sure do… makes me so much less stressed about all the eating going on!!
Yes, eat stop eat, for sure is my plan for the future as well, I can’t imagine my life now without fasting being involved.

I don’t pray much, sometimes.
I don’t remember now what day I am on and usually I keep such good count. I’m guessing 5 or 6.. I’m not sure..
My weight tho, which is solely why I fast, hasn’t been moving much.. I feel like I need a break but I just don’t want to. I may tho, enjoy my holiday with some food and back to it the 26, I just don’t know…
It’s not a relief for me to fast thru the holidays as I have 3 young ones, and it is hard!!
Anyway so close to goal I can ‘taste’ it
Keep up the good work, I always find once you are done day 1 your in there good
I may be back tmrw, or I may be back to begin a new fast after the 25th.
God Bless,
Merry Christmas Everyone
Happy New Year!!!
Well. Fasting thru christmas was a bust! Back at it as of 6 pm tonight I am fasting till I am happy! Last twenty have got to go, I’m tired of waiting. Having horrible pains in my lower right side that I used to have before fasting. Almost in comparison to kidney stones :/ Everytime I fast usually those pains go away.
I’m sorry your fasting didn’t go as planned :/
Have you maybe tried doing a salt water flush or an enema? I can’t help but feel that maybe your body is trying to ‘dump’ off some toxin loads, and maybe that’s why you stall and are having pains. Just a suggestion, I’m really no pro.
I’ve lost 8 pounds already. I’m on day 4 now. I made it through Christmas… I didn’t know if I would be able to. It hasn’t been easy, but I’m so determined.
I am hungry!!! haha
But I never minded hunger pains so much, so it’s not as bad as I’m making it seem
I know you can get there. Just hop on board with me again and we’ll get there together
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas regardless, and I hope the pain will subside for you soon.
Merry belated Christmas!
I am a new member on this site and I have enjoyed reading the different posts above. I appreciate the sense of community practiced here. I also like the openess and honesty reflected .I am taking on a 40 day water fast challenge… Begining on the 1st of Jan -2011 its for both spiritual and healthy reasons.I am kinda scared but I am ready for the challenge….please keep me in your prayers when you remember.
B – Uganda
Well it’s day …whatever day it is I have no idea. I’m around 157… doesn’t seem like the pounds are coming off very quickly, but I am sticking to it as that’s all I know..
I am sick with a cold and not been getting my exercise at all..
Denika; how is yours going now? I have done an enema, I’m sure I’m cleaned out I don’t know what my problem is.. But I’m still here!
Beatrice; You should google enema.. May not be what you need to do really but it’s up to you I guess, I saw you asked Tom what it was. Good for you going raw for two months, that’s a great accomplishment.. that in it’s self makes me think you may not need an enema! Forty days seems long? And your already under 140, might be too much weight loss? Maybe you should aim for twenty day and see how you feel? Just a thought..
Keep up the good work everyone, another day passed; another day closer to goals!
Thank you Melissa for your thoughtful feedback. You are right I am already under 140 pounds. My goal is to get back to my original weight which was between 120- 117. It is also true 40 days seems long. I feel the same but my main motivation is the spiritual aspect than anything else.Will make a decision when I get to day 21… Just wondering whether salt flush wont surfice… just asking.
I have no idea about the salt water flush. I have never done it.
It is the last day of 2010 and I am at…… 151 POUNDS!!!!!!! I can’t believe it! Seems like not long ago I was 170 and stuck! I only have like ten more to go! WOOHOO!!!!! I am so happy and excited!! YAY ME!!!
Hi Melissa. Congratulations to ur 151… can i know in how many days have u gone from 171 to 151…cuz its saying u start fast on 28 of december, its bit confusing.:)
I started fast on 31of december , so u r 3 days ahead of me…so would be great to know your feelings and experiences. If you find time you could u write more about your days… what exercise have you done , state of your mond and your feeling in generally. Thank you very much and good luck
Hi Elli!
Thankyou. I didn’t change my date of fasting, I have been doing many 5 or 7 day ones. Your right it is confusing. I began at 230 pounds. On average I lose ten pounds a week fasting. But it has been a struggle! I will try to write more, my exercise is usually 4-5 days a week of miles of walking, and my part time job is heavy lifting, physical work. I began the fast I am on now the 27th. I also add in when I screw up, yes there is sometimes a slip, but I admit it and continue on, I want my goal of 140. Lately I have felt my stomach talking to me more than any other fast. I’m hungry, maybe resources are running low lol. I am dizzy alot… spurts of energy, high highs and low lows… I have been sick with a cold, which I truly hate fasting when I’m sick, seems so hard to get over the illness! But I’m plunging forward. I will try to write more about my days. I’m going to read your profile now as I’d like to get to know you! talk to you soon.
So… it’s January 3, my weight this evening is 154. I like my weight so much better first thing in the morning as compared to later in the day. It doesn’t really make sense to me that everytime I drink water I pee it out, so why would I be heavier?
Everything has been ok, except I had one minor blooper new years eve.. I went to my boyfriends to watch a movie, I had been sick with a bad cold for a few days and all of a sudden while I was there I was sooo thirsty, no matter how much water I could drink I was dry. I was almost scared my mouth has never been so dry like my tongue was sandpaper. So I went thru his house searching for something, anything to take away the thirst, had he had milk I would of drank it, he didn’t really have anything except one vanilla pudding and cheese. I tried some cheese first ( I thought at least it’s low carb) it didn’t help at all, so I had the pudding and did it ever help. Felt like it coated my mouth and took away all the dryness. That was it, I have been plunging ahead ever since like normal on my fasts. The day before and after the blooper I walked about a total of 3 miles. I’d say I burned off the puddin and cheese
BUT my weight is not moving very well. But it may be like my last ten pounds and not budge and then all of a sudden, whammmo it’s gone.. fingers crossed, Im so tired of fasting constantly I’m looking forward to goal and learning to fast part time. I’m done with this full time business!
Today I played in the snow
I made two big snowmen, shoveled the yard and took two walks, probably only a mile or a lil more in total. I’m tired alot, but get enough sleep. I hate waking up in the night hungry it’s sooo hard to get back to sleep thinking about food, especially when anything will do! I thought by this point my mind would stop playing those nasty tricks on me but oh no.
Oh! Guess what I do now every night to try to get more sleepy and stop thinking about food……. push ups and sit ups! Yes you heard me right. The push ups suck so hard, but the sit ups are ok…. and they really do curb the hunger. My first idea to start doing something about all this flab hanging off me. I look like a deflated balloon no joke. I would be an awesome candidate for a tummy tuck. I also need my inner thighs done, when I’m on my knees it just hangs soo gross. My tummy is horrible, just embarrassing really. I will always have a muffin top and that is really sad to me
Thinking back I knew this would happen, but I knew just being goal weight was good enough, but now… I hate this flab and I want it gone so bad, I just can’t pay the electric bill I have now, never mind a plastic surgeon bill
Well that’s my rant for now.
Hope everyone is doing well.
I have been off the wagon for the last two days. Sounds more like eat stop eat diet to me. Except much more fasting! Anyway back at it tomorrow. Start weight 156; Goal weight 140. I promise myself last fast until goal weight reached.
Well. Let’s see it’s January 18th. 8:15 PM. I’m annoyed. To say the least. If I wake up tomorrow morning and I’m still 149. Well I don’t know what I’m going to think. Here’s my last 6 days.
Thursday-walked 5 miles. Moderate activities all day. Water only.
Friday-walked 6 miles. Moderate activities all day. Water only.
Saturday-walked 8 miles. Moderate activites, juiced tomato and pear. Two table spoons tuna.
Sunday-walked 4 miles. Light activity Juiced pear. Like 8 pears.
Monday-sedentary.Light activity, Water only
Today-walked 2 miles. Light activity, juiced greens.
So here I am stuck. I’m tired of this I just want to be at goal already. Good Grief.
Oh I also have ‘phantom fat’. I’m not actually even convinced that’s what it is I guess I am in so much denial. I have a very poor self body image, low self esteem. I look in the mirror and I see the same girl. Like 190-200 pounds. Not 149/150. I’m pretty muscular, I am a strong girl. But I have alot of loose skin, I have a spare tire around my waist, I am such a good candidate for excess skin removal. But that will never happen so all I see is this fat girl looking back at me. I’m so sick of it. Anytime someone comments on the weight loss I say thanks even though in my mind I’m thinking ‘yaa right’. so weird.
Whatever. I wonder what the scale will read tomorrow. I’ve been doing the juicing thing trying to put a bit of calories into what I’m doing here to kinda shock or jumpstart something…….. I’m tired of obsessing over food, worrying I might gain an ounce, I just want goal already and just take a lil break. Fasting will always be here though. It’s a lifestyle.
January 19
Hi Melissa!
First of all congratulations on how far you’ve come. Well done!
I can sympathies with your frustration, but it’s time to have a new perspective. Put the scale away. It’s tormenting you. Focus on how you feel and how you look. I’ve read in some of your comments that you love the feeling of being empty, that walks are regenerative for you. Focus on these things instead of your weight. Remember you didn’t gain all that weight over night, nor will you loose it as fast.
Celebrate your current success! Love your self and be proud that you have made it this far.
Concentrate on your end goal. Beautiful Health!
With every glass of water to take, with every walk you go on, at any point in your day, tell yourself you are beautiful, you are on your way to health, and that you deserve all the wonderful benefits that will come with it; such as energy, high self esteem, glowing complexion, stamina, sexy figure, shiny hair………. the list is over flowing!
When fasting gets tough, get support, that’s what we’re here for.
And when you are taking a brake from your fast, please feed your body well. Stay with fresh, organic if possible, raw vegetation, and add lots and lots of dark leafy greens to your diet. They are packed with vitamins, mineral, and protein. The best way to have your greens is in a smoothie. Make your favorite fruit smoothie and add a hand fool of greens to it. Make sure to blend well. During your your weight loos program I would recommend to have 2 very large glasses of green smoothies a day.
I’m attaching a link to Angela Stokes’s site. She lost 160 lbs and her story is very inspirational. I hope it will help you keep focused.
You are doing wonderful, keep the faith, and love yourself every moment of it, specially when it gets tough!
To your HEALTH!
Aw thankyou so so much. I even teared up a bit. Love myself, I used to so much the things that have been happening to me over the years have made me learn to hate myself. I just wish I was happy where I am or at least feel good about it, but I can’t seem to believe it. I have so much stress.. more than what I should have, could be a contributing factor, depression as well.
I am looking forward to the site you passed to me, thanks again I’m going there right now.
Hey everyone! I’m back!! yeehaw! I’m fasting for the month of February, I’m going for my goal of 130-135 pounds. In the morning I weigh 155 In the evening 160 pounds. I’m so excited to begin this journey once again! I’m glad I took some time off, seems like my metabolism re-adjusted itself and hopefully I have totally gotten out of that rut I was in! Soo today I prepared by having a lil juice feast of tangerines mmmm and peaches! yummers! Looking forward to next week and getting over the hump! Welcoming February and all that brings with it! Yay let the progress begin!
WOW Your posts are so inspiring… I am going to join you for this month we actually have the same goals, this morning I checked and I was 164lbs and I want to be 120-130lbs, my goal was to do fasting this month as well but I somehow messed it up with a cookie today (okay 2 I threw the 3rd in the trash after I read your posts)… I am on this and I will be checking your posts, please continue to post … your posts are so encouraging… we can keep each other accountable, the longest fast I have done successfully was 3 days.
Hey Sweetie!
I’m thinking since today is already screwed as well I am going to start tomorrow. I know why I’m messing up as well, my monthly is coming and that makes the start of a fast almost unbearable to me. But I am determined to make goal by the end of this month and THAT IS THAT!!!
Well I screwed up as well! And I shouldn’t be surprised everytime I decide to start fasting I have a couple days of mess-ups b4 I actually succeed. I’m sad because now I can’t go from the first day of feb to the last and I really wanted to just not enough apparently! It’s cool we have the same goals! It will help us keep each other accountable.
So I am here as well and I check in everyday although I haven’t actually started my fast yet
Thankyou, girl, we will keep in touch for sure!