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Fasting Support for Christin L.
March 27, 2008 | | 2,145 Views
I am ready to undertake a 30 day juice fast. I plan to start on February 1st. I began eating raw this past Monday and my roommate and I purchased a Champion juicer which will be arriving in the mail tomorrow.
I am 29 and I live in San Diego, California. I am a solid 60lbs overweight and miserable. I have abused my body to no end. Like you, I was once an addict, though by the grace of God I have been sober now for almost three years. I have had my cervix removed due to cancerous cells, my hair has been falling out, and I can’t get up in the morning. I used to be a ballet dancer in great shape but drove my car off a four story cliff in Pennsylvania and shattered my lower right leg and ankle which are reconstructed with pins and a plate. (They saved my foot thank God…it looks completely fine now!) Anyway not walking for close to two years, and coming off pain medication, eating food at my mom’s house and feeling sorry for myself, all allowed me to gain weight that i have not shed.
I have a very addictive personality and I have been slowly improving my life and this is the final frontier. I am surrounded by good people, a great church, a wonderful successful job, and I am in school….though I have had to scale back my activities because i am so tired. So it’s got to stop.
I quit coffee and sugar and carbohydrates this week. I’ve just been eating fruits and veggies, all raw, and some raw nuts or an avocado here and there, and herbal tea. I’ve already been feeling pretty crappy but I know I need to hang in there. I think eating raw for another week will help cushion the blow of the detox a bit, which is important because i can’t take any time off work just now so I can’t afford to be too sick. My plan is to try to water fast one day each weekend (so I have time to rest) and juice fast the other six days. I am having my first colon hydrotherapy treatment on Saturday.
Anyway, instead of being on my space or something, I thought perhaps I would make a profile on your site and blog about my experiences so that hopefully by the grace of God I can help someone else, like the stories I have read that have strengthened me.
I would love any advice you could give me, especially since my primary goal is weight loss. I do not want to drink too much or the wrong kind of juice.
By Tom Coghill of Fasting.ws Articles may be copied or reproduced as long as the back links to fasting.ws are intact and the author’s name is included.
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- Tom Coghill: Hi clare. You can drink juice, herbal tea, water or frozen juice as a popisical. If you are afraid of dying you need to read more. Most people are getting a new life. You could easily do 30 days if you are healthy and without compulsions.
- Claire: also, I wanted to ask for the juice fast…do you have to drink juice only? can you also drink water? because I heard water is very, very important for your body. Also, can you drink milk too? or does it have to be juice the entire time? write back soon.
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- Tom Coghill: Hi FP Ginger and honey are good on a juice fast. For spirulina 2 to 20 capsules. I did a fast on about 5 tables spoons of spirulina a day and felt great.
- fp: Tom: Three questions: 1. Ginger added to hot water (or boiled in water) - do you see it as harmful during a juice fast? 2. Honey added to hot water? 3. If fasting on spirulina and water - how much spirulina per day is recommended? Two capsule worth? Thank you!
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- Tom Coghill: Hi Christa, How much juice you drink will determine your energy level. I did 12 hours of roofing on my first juice fast. I had energy about %80 of the time and felt dragged out when I was in the detox cycle. It also depends on your metabolism.
Tom Coghill
25 Jan 2008 at 3:48 am
Hi Christin,
You can drink almost any juice mixture. It is hard to go wrong. Find you mix and the body does the work. The less you drink the more you detox but feel weaker. Glad to be of support and my praying for blessing and freedom.
30 Jan 2008 at 1:39 pm
Hey Christin, I wish you the best of luck. I have a suport page on here as well. and my start date is the same as yours. I haven’t done must preparing… I’m drinking coffee right now, I drank sat and sun… I can’t remember sunday and I havd red meat for supper last night. I’m still detemined to start this… I guess I’m just not letting go of old habits so easily! It will be nice to see the difference in the severity of our symptoms between someone who is prepared and someone who is not. I have freedom in my job, which is half office work (I’m a Safety Tech. for an Oil Refinary) so I can rest more. I work at a bar two nights a week though… I’m going to bring juice just in case I need it to get through the night shifts… (will that hurt my water fast Tom? :0) )
04 Feb 2008 at 12:44 pm
Hi Erin, thanks for the support! I’d love to email you some more and see how you are doing. I started my fast on Friday February 1st. I’ve been drinking only fresh juices, like a carrot-apple in the morning, a green juice at lunch and whatever I feel like later on. I must admit I wanted to kill somebody yesterday. I limited my activities this weekend, because I knew the more I went out with friends the more I would want to eat. Work today will be tough but I keep telling myself I have to keep on! Anytime I feel like eating, I go in the bathroom and get half-naked and then my otivation magically reappears. Or I just think about swimsuit shopping or not feeling comfortable in my own body on the dance floor; that does it.
So you are WATER fasting?? Good lord Erin, I don’t know how you can do that and work, but God be with you. I am drinking lots of water but fresh juice when I would normally have meals. And herbal tea occasionally. No caffeine. I just have a very demanding job and need to maintain my energy. But here’s the good news: I’ve lost FIVE pounds in the last four days!
Tom Coghill
04 Feb 2008 at 8:13 pm
Yes take juice. I have worked construction on a water fast but it is pure hell. I was on a 17 day juice fast and working construction which is fine on juice. But we got a job but has to travel on short notice. No juicer and the town was miles away and I refused to eat the donuts offered by the client.
I remember hanging at the top of ladder and my brother say, you need to stop. It took, 24 hours to pull out with glasses water mixed with honey. But do not push that hard the gains are not wroth it. Much easier to regulate your detoxification with juice when you need it. Or bouncing between juice a water fasting.
I finished my 3 days on water. Now I am on blended banana, mango shakes with 8 egg whites and hard training in the gym.
IMPORTANT: I discovered that you can come off a water fast with egg whites blended. It cuts down the cravings to eat too much and I went from laying in bed like a beached whale to working out in the gym in 6 hours. I was impressed. WOW it worked. My new plan is training with juice and egg whites, then days of water fasting. Now the question is can I maintain muscle mass.
Hi Christin, I was wondering about you. I am proud of you, well done. Both of you. The grumpiness is usually caused by caffeine, sugar or toxic food withdrawals and last about 3 days max. It gets easier.
06 Feb 2008 at 6:59 pm
Hi Tom,
Well, it’s day six and I am proud to say I have not deviated from my plan at all. I have only been drinking freshly made juices, veggie as well as fruit, three times a day with lots of water and herbal teas (no caffeine). The first three days were really hard; despite drinking juice I was ready to kill someone for a piece of bread or something to chew on; but I stuck it out by praying, and if I needed more inspiration i would just go in the bathroom and look at my tummy. :)It is hard at work because I have to go and pick up lunch for my executives a lot and the smells are overwhelming at times but you know what helps besides prayer? Music. I have been taking my ipod with me everywhere and listening to things that motivate me.
Yesterday it began to get slightly easier, meaning my hunger. I have been very very busy at work so that helps. I started straining my juices too and I think that is helping with the hunger. Last night I went to my first Bikram yoga class, where for 90 minutes you do yoga in a room heated to 105 degrees. It was really tough. I almost passed out twice but I simply dropped to one knee (to avoid fainting and causing a ruckus in the class) and prayed and caught my breath and then continued. This morning, I woke up feeling like I had a hangover but I simply took my time, and then made some green (cucumber, spinach, celery, tomato) juice and came to work.
But here’s the scoop: I’ve lost eight and a half pounds since I began my fast last Friday morning! I am going to exercise tonight too and then take Bikram again on Thursday.
I am definitely still struggling but I just keep telling myself how worth it this is, and that if I quit I would be miserable. So six down, at least 24 more to go! It will be tough as the weekend of the 15th i am going to Denver to see my best friend who always likes to go out and eat and who is a great cook, but I will persevere, I have promised myself no matter what.
Let me know how you are doing Erin and Tom!
Light, love, and laughter,
Tom Coghill
09 Feb 2008 at 5:39 am
I have been water fasting, juice fasting, eating then back to water, and trying to train in the gym on the up days. The site as been down, with some major problems and we may have to move hosts. We are running on the old site now so there is not much traffic here.
Congrats on the 8 lbs. You are doing great.
19 Feb 2008 at 4:16 pm
Hi Tom,
I was looking for some website with info about fasting and I came upon yours. I am in that point of my life that I need a physical an spiritual boost.
I want to fast for my body and my soul. I want to know what should I do in order to prepare for my journey. I know my body is overloaded from years of medication and my soul is in much need of a deep close conversation with the Lord, besides I wouldn’t mind to lose some weight on the side. I want to bring my husband to it as well but I want to be the cheerlader for him once I conquer my mountain. Thanks
Tom Coghill
19 Feb 2008 at 6:04 pm
Hi Kathy,
Fast is indeed refreshing to the mind and spirit.
It will reset your system back to balance and harmony. We would love to support you it this.
28 Mar 2008 at 9:58 am
I completed 40 days juice fast on 3/21/08. i must say i didn’t lose weight but i did lose inches. i’m starting another fast onf 4/1/08 for seven days and will continue to do so every month for 7 days beginning the first of every month. Couple of my co-workers are going to try jucing.
Tom Coghill
30 Mar 2008 at 6:29 pm
Hi Rita,
You must have a slow metabolism and the juices met your calorie needs. You will have cleansed your body have better health. You may have to use restricted juice fasting and water fasting to lose weight. An exercise program, daily salads, and more non-starchy veggies are great for weight loss.
03 Apr 2008 at 3:02 pm
Hi, I just joined this site becuase I started a liquid fast on March 22, 2008. it has been 13 days on nothing but liquid. I ave been drinking fat free chocolate milk, skim milk, all natural grapefruit juice, and water. i have lost 5 pounds since i checked on Sunday. I only check once at th beginning of the week and ince at the end of the week so that i don’t get discourged. I used to weigh 260 pounds but now I weigh 203 pounds thanks to playing high school football. Ever since I lost that weight all of my friends and teachers have been telling me how good I look and how much weight I have lost. I want to look even better! My goal is to lose 30 pounds by May 14, 2008 and to have six pack abs by June 23, 2008. Right now my top four abs are visible but they are surrounded by a lot of fat. I was wondering how much liquid I could consume in order to meet my goal or if I had to consume nohing but water to meet my goal. I am also lifting weights three times a week and am doing ab exercises every day. Please give me some suggestions.
Tom Coghill
03 Apr 2008 at 11:34 pm
Hi Mkjjd,
You are doing great but milk slows down weight loss and detoxification. Best to stick to herbal tea with honey and juice. Juice fresh from a juicer is the best for juice fasting. How much you drink on you. If it will water drink according to need. If juice drink to keep your energy up.
04 Apr 2008 at 11:04 am
I did not mention my age before but I am 18 years old and I am thinking about starting a 40 day water fast until May 15 so that I can lose 30 pounds. I just want to know if it is possible for me to meet my goal by May 14.
13 Apr 2008 at 8:38 pm
Hi everyone! I just finished reading Skinny Bitch, which sparked an interest in fasting. I’m 5 months out of having my 1st baby & need to lose the rest of my weight. I figured I would jump-start my body by fasting! Any recommendations?
14 Apr 2008 at 6:22 am
Hey Katrina,
Skinny Bitch is one of my favorite books, I also got really interested in fasting and nutrition because of it.
I am water-fasting currently and luckily, I dont have to do anything strenous for a while, otherwise I’d choose to juice-fast.
Water-fasting is a more vigorous detox and weight-loss regimen which can take it’s toll on your energy. With a new baby (congrats by the way!) it might be more enjoyable to juice fast. It takes longer but it’s much easier to sustain and you get to taste something other than water lol.
There are lots of juice-fasting articles on this site and the web, and Skinny Bitch talks about it as well.
I plan to juice-fast later to extend my fast and experience the energy peaks and vitamin/nutrient boosts. It’s also a good way to prep yourself if later you decide to fast with just water.
14 Apr 2008 at 2:53 pm
MKJJD it is possible if you can stick to it. its the hardest part. I KEEP ON FAILING and breaking the fast WRONG! thats why i gained some weight.
TOM: what about the eggwhites? is it gross? are those egg white are cook or RAW? ohmen.
CRISTIN: good luck to you. i wish you can finish what “I” cant finish. my fast is only a day or 2. haha. and i failed. and i feel so much depression after that!
im 17 only. and im a binge eater. and im scared to juice fast because im afraid to FAIL again and feel depressed AGAIN. if only i can finish a fast! i know i can feel better about myself!
its hard thinking distorted thoughts!
15 Apr 2008 at 5:29 am
Thanks for responding happy. I will have no problem sticking to my fast because when I say I am going to do something I mean it. I will not eat anything until May 14 beacsue that is my brother’s birthday and I want to celebrate that with him after he blows the candles out. If you just focus on your goal and think about the results, then the fast should be easy fo you. I watch my family eat a lot of food around me and sometimes I end up cooking the food! It is all mental because only the first three days were hard because my body was not used to it even after I did a 16 day juice fast. Just visualize yourself after the fast and think oof how good you will look and feel at the end of your fast so that you can stay motivated. What ever you do, do not weigh yourself everyday or you will get discouraged. Only weigh yourself at the beginning of the week and at the end. That is all for now and I hope to hear back from you.
16 Apr 2008 at 7:16 am
I am water fasting too. Today is my second day. The first was easy but know I is getting harder. I’m not that hungry. It’s just that I really wanna eat something.
I read everywhere all over again that just the first 3 days are hard and then it stops. does it really work?
16 Apr 2008 at 3:38 pm
i want to fast because im so addicted with food especially chocolate and processed foods. for me, white rice white bread is COMFORT!
i end up getting fatter and fatter.
i envy you. becuase i keep on saying i have no will power. . . .
17 Apr 2008 at 4:55 pm
Hey everyone.. I just started my 30 day juice fast on April 16th.. So im on day 2!! I was wondering how everyone is doing especially christin! I just need some motivation and support! Im not too overweight but i did gain 30 pounds in the last 5 years ;-( You know College weight ;p Im 23 and just want to detox and be as healthy as possible! Any sugestions would be great!
18 Apr 2008 at 4:53 am
Hey Everyone,
I did a 8 day water fast instead of my 30 day water fast becasue I am very active and need some more energy but I am going to keep switching between a 8 day water fast and a 4 day juice fast so that no matter what I keep cleansing. I have lost 20 pounds since starting my water fast on April 8th and I am pretty satisfied with the results becasue all I have to do is lose 10 pounds more by May 14th and my goal of 170 pounds will be met. All you have to do is stay strong and things will work out.
21 Apr 2008 at 5:23 pm
Hey Tom,
I just wanted to let you know that I am going to be trying an experiment by testing out the thing I heard about called the hibernation diet where you take two teaspoons of honey every night before you go to sleep so that your body feeds off the fat instead of vital muscle tissue by using the honey as fuel. I am going to see if I lose the same amount of weight I lost last week or if I lose less. I will post my results on Saturday.
Tom Coghill
23 Apr 2008 at 6:22 am
Hi janeelizabeth,
Welcome and yea, get excited. It is truly and amazing journey.
MKJJD… or turn into a sleeping bumble bee. Sugars usually keep me from a deep sleep if I take it close to sleeping but hey experiment away.
23 Apr 2008 at 12:36 pm
Hey Tom thanks! I am on day 8 and doing very well! I wake up at 7am now without an alarm clock.. is this because i am sleeping more soundly?? Ive nevvver been a morning person until now.. so this is an odd thing for me! I have lost 12pds in 8 days and have more enegy than I no what to do with. I tell all of my massage clients(Im a Massage Therapist) about it and they are all so excited to see my end results and some have even wanted to know more about it!! This is one of the best things I have done for myself… well ever. Today has been the easiest of all. Day 1-7 I was craving Sushi like crazy.. but now I have no more cravings and going strong..!
23 Apr 2008 at 1:37 pm
Hey Tom,
Yeah the honey doesn’t have that effect on me and Have been sleeping soundly. I was wondering if Centrum was oaky to take while water fasting.
Tom Coghill
23 Apr 2008 at 7:03 pm
I think Centrum is a lower quality vitamin.
I usually buy the more expensive ones if I have the money. I would avoid them during water fasting. Your body has more than enough vitamin reserves for weeks of water fasting.
29 Apr 2008 at 5:03 pm
Hello Im Jess I just started a juice fast today..just found this website to learn from others. I have around 35lbs to lose and want to detox as well. Today went ok only thing I wanted to do was chew something crunchy..but it passed and I didnt cheat.
30 Apr 2008 at 2:54 pm
hello i was wondering if being on a juice fast its ok to have warm honey water?
30 Apr 2008 at 3:54 pm
Hello Tom…
I was wondering if warm honey water is ok to have on a juice fast?
Tom Coghill
01 May 2008 at 1:59 am
Welcome Jess,
Yes, during a juice fast its ok to have warm honey water? Even a frozen fresh juice Popsicle is great when it is hot. Or try heating the veggie juice with a splash of Worcestershire sauce.
01 May 2008 at 5:09 am
COOL I am glad to hear that!…what about pickle juice in veggie juice?
Tom Coghill
07 May 2008 at 7:41 pm
What about pickle juice, that would work but cider vinegar is better. Occasionally I heat it and add Worcestershire and hot sauce. MMMM good.
07 May 2008 at 7:45 pm
I never thought of heating it..I may try that. Drinking the veggie juice with pickle juice reminds me of a BEER…lol..I wasnt sure if pickle juice would slow detoxification.
24 Jun 2008 at 8:21 pm
how important is it to eat well before you start the water fast? like lots of fruit and veggies rather than food that isn’t quite as good for you and how long before you start the fast should you be eating healthy?
Getting ready to start the water fast, i wanna see how it does with my eczema and allergies.
Tom Coghill
27 Jun 2008 at 11:16 pm
Hi Jenn,
Water fasting should have healing or symptom reduction in about 5 to 10 days. It is good to eat salad or fruit 2 days before fasting. Cheese and bread become like a rock if they are in the colon when starting a water fast. Let us know of the results.