In laboratory tests, cannabinoids, the active components in marijuana, were found to slow the spread of lung and cervical cancer tumors, according to researchers Robert Ramer and Burkhard Hinz of the University of Rostock in Germa

Chokeberries are not commercially grown in the UK..
The compounds which give certain fruit and vegetables their dark color may contain powerful cancer fighting properties, US research suggests.
Studies on rats and human

The Rudolf Breuss Cancer Cure is the most wildly acclaimed treatment for cancer. His book has sold over 900,000 copies, been translated into five languages, offering simple and effective healing prescription for cancer and c

Before I start this crucial chapter, please know that I am not a doctor nor have any degrees. What I share with you is my personal theory. Cancer is infinitely complex; to even profess some understanding is to take a risk that

Rudolf Breuss's anti-cancer mixture has helped thousands of suffering people. During fasting, this juice blend exerts a deathblow on cancer. Its composition is: 55% beet root, 20% celery, 20% carrot, 3% potato, and 2% radish.