Bentonite Clay and Fasting

Bentonite clay I far as I can see would have benefits during fasting. I gleaned this info from Http:// Bentonite clay - used by indigenous tribes and animals for centuries Clay is one of the most effect
This explains how to do a coffee enema. What Coffee to Use If possible, use organic ground coffee, not instant coffee. What is the Mixture Use 1 tablespoon of ground coffee for every 8oz cup of water. For every ene
Is the Salt Water Flush a salt drink or salt water enama? In the past I have drank epson salt drink with really fast result. These are two very different flushes. The salt water flush is designed to flush the colon and
>Do you have an opinion on the use of epsom salt drinks ? Hi Ernie, The gall badder flush has a lot of supporters on the web. I had my doubts on the treatment as the green ball that float on the toilet after a flush are not
Colon Diseases and the Healing Effects of Juice Fasting Colon diseases can be helped by juice and water fasting, supplements, eating natural foods, exercise, enemas and colonic. During a fast digestion stops, and with an en
Colon Cleanser Colon Cleansers are even more effective when juice fasting but do not use them during water fasting. There are some very effective products in cleansing the colon. Psyllium husk, which is the base for most colon