
Elaine Harrison lost 40lbs. and healed stiffness in the spine.

January 5, 2008 | | 2,497 Views

Water Fasting: 13 days Weight Loss: 40 lbs. Healed: spinal stiffness Location: Toronto, ON, Canada I was carnivorous in my eating; my diet was mostly fried or grilled meats. My favorite delicacy was the beef fat around the steak, after it is fried crispy.... 


Recent Comments:

  • Fasting Club Jan 2009 (446)
    • Tomika: Hey guys…i am really having problems sticking to a fast. i have had two failed attempts already. Today starting all back over again. I am depressed about some issues in my life…mainly my weight. And i want to gain more confidence in myself because there are things that i want...
    • SbInstructor: Hey everyone no new news! So ill keep it short here are the stats. It said 18.4 so i rounded down =) how nice i know but i fear i may be then 218 tomorrow oh well at least its progress. How is everyone else doing??? Day 16 Weight: 218lbs Drinks: Lots of water (drinking it out of a...
    • Tom Coghill: Hi Nikki It is ok to bounce between water and juice fasting or be on a water fast and have a fresh juice if you need some energy. Detoxification as a very flexible process that can be customized.
    • Nikki: SbInstructor is right about the movie Super Size Me, definately a must see! I first saw it 2 years ago & had my little ones watch it with me. There are a couple parts I would’ve preferred they missed… but they won’t even consider asking for McDonald’s now!...
    • SbInstructor: Hey everyone here are the specs. Im still 220lbs I woke up I weighed myself i was down to 219lbs i was on track im like yes then i drank a bunch of water about mid day i weighed my self again 220lbs then i just weighed myself again 220lbs. Im doing the rollercoaster here but after...
    • Nikki: Tom, thank you so much for your understanding it is much appreciated & i needed that! I feel as good as new now. I haven’t been drinking much juice – a cup or two a day. I started adding lemon to my water as well, but I also haven’t been drinking nearly as much water....
    • Brenda: Thank You kittylovee, Your post meant a lot to me. I pray you do meet your goals in fasting. I have indeed improved much health wise, so much so it is astounding to me that so much can be improved in such a short period of time. I feel that I am coming alive again! It is an awesome thing....
    • marieat: Day 3 Starting Weight: 258 Today: 253 Loss: -5 Oil Pulling, Water, 1 cup oolong tea & 4 tablets Herbs & Prunes Started period yesterday so just trying to make it through.
    • SbInstructor: Sorry it has been so long everyone I was up camping in duluth Day 11-14 Weight: 220lbs Drinks: Just water, Orange Juice, Apple Juice Other: none
    • kittylovee: Hi Brenda, I have been following your amazing fasting journey since day 1. You give me so much hope that I can also achieve a 30 days fast. The longest fast that I have ever done was 11 days with soy milk. I know you feel offended by what Tom said ealier. But please dont. I have been...
    • Tomika: I woke up really thirsty today…and im very very tired. and i had im trying to ignore these hunger pangs…
    • Tom Coghill: Notice.. serious internet problems and slow connection at the present. If i missed something I should respond post it.
    • Tom Coghill: Hi Nikki, This is the problem of water fasting for the first fast off a toxic diet. It is a trip to hell. With juice fasting you can get passed it in 3 days then go two water without any suffering. Do not get down on yourself feel good about what you have done.
    • Brenda: Nikki, I am proud of you! You have tried very sonsistently & had to do what you felt best. Even after all that you still see the benefits and are planning the juicing & whole foods (good for you!) You have been a great blessing to me as well Nikki. You have put a name & a...
    • Nikki: day 4 got much worse & i honestly believed i was dying. threw up all day yesterday & was so miserable, my whole body hurt. i couldnt move & i couldnt stay still, it was awful! i started calling relatives at the end of day 3 to come get my children. their father passed away 2...
    • Tomika: Hello guys…i am starting over with a juice diet/fresh fruit/veggies… i failed my last attempt. This time i am 3 days strong and my starting weight was 250. I had a baby 5 months ago and i have all this unwanted fat that i want to get rid of. And i also want to try and stay...
    • Tom Coghill: Hi Brenda, Generally speaking is all I can do. So do not take offense as there was no insult intended. Being specific takes a lot of time and I do not have that luxury. I also do not have the background data and medical records. Considering your negative experiences, a time of juice...
    • Brenda: Tom I appreciate your site & your comments but I am somewhat offended and take issue with the highly generalized statement you made: “For people with lots of excess fat, 40 to 60 days of water fasting is quite easy.” I have been waiting for this “easy” time...
    • marieat: How amazing. Reading the posts have been so inspiring. I have 125 to 135 pounds to lose. I had started a fast and was doing well, but then I got sick. So I’m starting again. I would love an e-mail buddy (one who has over 100 pounds to lose) to chat daily with and to show mutual...
    • Tom Coghill: Hi Brenda Considering the amazing healing you are experiencing I would continue on the fast. You have lots of reserves in the fat. A short period on some juice would boost your nutrition. For people with lots of excess fat, 40 to 60 days of water fasting is quite easy. Tom
    • Tom Coghill: Hi Niikki You are experiencing the symptoms of rapid detoxification and for that reason I recommend juice for first time faster. Yes water fasting gets you over the hunger stage more rapidly. You could use the enema as that dramatically reduces hunger on a juice of water fast.
  • Fasting Progress Reports (124)
    • Jazzmomy: Hi Tom, Thanks for your kind reply.Today i am on 7th day of my juice fasting.I take about 8oz of (cantaloupe+half an apple+3strawberries) juice by around 11.30 in morning.Rest of the time i have only water.I took an enema on 4th day. I have lost 11 lbs so far.Feeling good.I am also...
    • Katie: Hey everyone! I am on day 6 of my water fast and shockingly I feel FANTASTIC! The first four days I was hungry but yesterday I woke up and noticed that there was no hunger. I have to say, it is really odd not being hungry since I have lived most of my life focused on when I would next eat....
    • becky: Oh, and I’m a 5′9″ ectomorph and currently weigh 142 lbs. I also wanted to mention I quit coffee on day 3 of my fast (7 days ago) and I’m doing fine without it. Ok, I really think that’s all for now!
    • becky: Hello from Maine, USA! Been lurking at this wonderful sight for a couple weeks now – finally registered so I can share. I’m on Day 10 of my vegetable juice fast. I decided to fast because of many reasons: severe chronic migraines since I was 12 years old (I’m 34 now) that...
    • Tom Coghill: Hi Jazzmony, Sure you can take clomid during the fast. I would stick to juice fasting as it has greater therapeutic value. A 30 day juice fast healed my sex drive that was destroyed by drug abuse when I was young and it may cure infertility. Add some vitamin E and essential oils.
    • Tom Coghill: Hi Kdrocha, Herbal teas do not have any calories or very few and the body detoxifies at the maximum rate.
    • Jazzmomy: Hi Tom, Thanks a lot for such a wonderful site. Im very new to this and now im on 3rd day of my fasting. I take 2 cups of juice ie one veggie on mornings and one fruit on evening.Rest of the time i take water when i feel thirsty. I was 176.4lbs when i started and today im 171 lbs. My...
    • kdarocha: Hi Tom, I am on day 3 of a water fast (okay, water and tea). I have completed water (and tea) fasts in the past that were as long as 12 days. My goal this time is to go until I am through with detox. I am not sure how long that will take and am wondering, is the tea (it’s organic...
    • marieat: Day 1 Weight: 258 Oil Pulling, Water, 2 cups oolong tea & 4 tablets Herbs & Prunes I hate losing and re-losing the same weight. Yet that is what I’ve been doing. I feel called to a long water fast. The mental hunger is what trips me up, but I feel this is the right time for...
    • Tom Coghill: Hi Marieat Great to have you with us. Post your progess please.
    • marieat: I have 125 to 135 pounds to lose. I had started a fast and was doing well, but then I got sick. So I’m starting again today for 30 or more days.
    • Tom Coghill: Hi Claire Most oil dressing are very toxic. Unless it is fresh and refigerated in dark bottles it is toxic. I would also feel very neausea after eating any processed oil. Even vigin olive oil is a lie and a mix of other oils. I would up the juice amount from the juicer for energy....
  • Fasting Needs Determination to Stay Focused & Succeed! (4)
    • Katie: To everyone who struggles with a food addiction, you can break it with God! I have struggled with overeating since I was 7. I remember the first time I did it. I remember how much I used to love eating and eating, and the pleasure it brought. I was a gluttonous selfish person and was...
  • Fasting Weight Loss Rates for Juice Fasting, Water Fasting and Dry Fasting. (476)
    • greatjassy84: Anyone living in Canada looking for a fasting buddy for support? please contact me. I am female, 25 yrs old!
  • Intestinal Bacteria Replacement After Fasting (24)
    • BBdfate: okay ima keep trying thanks alot for the response.
    • Tom Coghill: Hi BBdfate, Taking a multi B during a juice fast is excellent. Usually fasting causes various pains throughout the body. 1, during catabolism breaking down fat or cellular tissue releases some toxic stuff into the blood that irritates the muscles. There an also be a deeper healing...
    • Tom Coghill: BBdfate, Lots of water is not important as without digestion the body does not need much water unless you are sweating. Yes use the enema once per day for the first 3 day then every 2 or third day after that. Spring or distilled water is good.
    • Tom Coghill: Hi BBdfate, My internet is cutting out so here is the 4 th time to answer your post. The tongue changes color throughout the fast and can be coated after 60 days of juice fasting.
    • BBdfate: ive never actually been diagnosed with a b12 deficiency but was just thinking maybe that is the cause. have you seen people with kidney problems have pain in the back of the neck, im really worried
    • BBdfate: Tom, im really worried i been having pain in my neck. Maybe it is from B12 deficiency. does weak kidney cause neck pain from your experiences?
    • BBdfate: o ok i c. as soon as you told me the things to use i went to the supermarket this morning i bought some eggs, bananas, garlic, ginger, celery, cucumber. it is a strong drink i must add. hard tod rink. very hard to drink. the eggs and bannas could be of great use if i am dealing with b...
    • Tom Coghill: Hi BBdfate, Tongue color changes through the fast. Best is to fast until you are feeling amazing. After 50 days of juice fasting the tongue can still be coated.
    • BBdfate: and also should i use my tongue as a measurement during the fast like looking for it to return to red or something or just go based on how i feel
    • BBdfate: thank you Tom for the reply i greatly appreciate it. so i should drink lots of water throughout the day? i prefer spring water is that okay?, and is this proper procedure use an enema once a day for the first few days. juice celery, cucumber, garlic and when i get kidney pains blend...
    • Tom Coghill: Hi BBdfate You need a long juice fast for sure. But, if your kidneys start to hurt you should add 2 egg blended into the juice and even some banana blended. Adding, ginger and garlic in the juice to fight off the Candida. Clove tea is good. Celery and cucumber as good as they supply...
  • Need A Fasting Buddy? Post Here (553)
    • kdarocha: I am looking for a fasting buddy. I am on day 3 as of the 13th of August. My buddy doesn’t have to be on the same day as me, just doing a water fast so we can hang in there together! email me at kdarocha gmail.com
    • Tom Coghill: BBDfate I answered your post at http://www.fasting.w s/juice-fasting/wp-a dmin/post.php?action =edit&post=106
  • Stomach Ulcers Remedies-Fasting (13)
    • Tom Coghill: Hi Samm, A great investment is an exercise ball. We just set up a small gym at our detox center in Sagada and ouch my stomach hurts. We have a cools workout system that we are going to publish. Cheap and easy to make. Thanks for the tip I will add it to the page. What kind of aloe...
    • Samm: Hi Tom, I just saw the the stomach ulcers article.Aahh, that’s why the milk and bananas worked for me, lucky guess huh. However, I’m lactose intolerant, so after a while I got tired of living in the bathroom and swithed to rice milk and aloe vera. Your article is silent on aloe...

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Quote From the Books

After years of intense pain and useless medications, I remember the moment when I stepped out of the shower and, as I dried myself, realized my body no longer hurt. On a 30-day juice fast, my organs had healed. — Tom Coghill

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