Both juice and water fasting can cause periodic hunger. For some, the hunger during fasting can be difficult to overcome while others have fasted for 30 days without any hunger.
Tips to drastically reduce hunger during fastin

Reasons for Fasting: To break fast food addictions, lose additional weight, aid in healing, and give my digestive system a break!
Intended Length of Fast: 14 days, but we'll see if I can keep up the momentum and go and bit long

Comments: Reasons for Fasting: To overcome my food addiction
Intended Length of Fast: 15 days: 3rd to 17th september
First Name: Isabelle
Site User Name: Isabelle
City, State and Country: Quebec, Qc, Cda
Sex: F

My goal is simply to achieve PERMANENT, significant and noticeable weight loss to improve my health, my appearance, the way my clothes fit and look on me , and to improve my self esteem and mood through the d

Reasons for Fasting: To achieve mental clarity, overcome food addiction, heal and reconnect with life again
Intended Length of Fast: 21 days
First Name: Val
Site User Name: justdoit
City, State and Country: Sydney, NSW, Austra