Fasting - Effects On The Immune SystemMarch 26, 2008 | 1,818 views Fasting has a Positive Effect on the Immune System Fasting has various effects on the immune system. Fasting maximizes the ability of your immune system. The result of fasting on the immune system is amazing, you can detoxify years of toxic built up,...

Recent Comments:
- Fasting- How Much Juice or Water Per Day (102)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Anna, During juice fasting there are days when ADD and Dyslexia gets really bad but only on the detoxification cycles usually on days 2 to 5, after that my mind is usually very clear. On water there are many day were any mental effort is hard and other days where my body is weak...
- Anna: Wow, Tom, I’m impressed that your ADD decreases during fasts, I feel like mine really increases. I’m a teacher, and I had to listen to 13 speeches in my class today, and wow, it was hard. I could not concentrate for the life of me. Sometimes I can focus, maybe depending on what...
- Tom Coghill: Hi Faith, Fasting (10 to 25 days) will probably cure all your ailments except Attention Deficit Disorder. The will reduce during the fast and if your diet is good the symptoms will be left. I have ADD and dyslexia. If I eat starches like bread, and any processed oil it increases...
- Tom Coghill: Hi adam Sure tooth paste and mouthwash have chemicals you may have had an allergic reaction due to heightened sensitivity due to fasting. You can get some natural stuff from the health store. You can brush your teeth with salt. Hi Derik, To win all you need to do is a dry fast for...
- derek: hi, I was looking for a little advice… i’m currently in a weight loss competition with some friends to see who can lose the most weight by 1 july. i’ve altered my diet by eating healthy (no red meat, sodas, etc) and adopted a 3-4 day per week workout routine. I’m...
- Faith: woopsy just read a typo!….That condition is called Dermatographia not Dermatographic.
- Faith: Hey Tom… 2 years ago I did a 20 day juice fast and weight loss was the main benefit I saw…However, I feel like I didn’t follow the rules so much….as in I drank lots of bottled juice (all organic) when I was on the go. Anyways, I have a condition called...
- Exercise During Fasting? (5)
- Tom Coghill: Sure Ken you can use egg or whey protein supplements during juice fasting. The detox is slower but you can keep working out, increase muscle mass and get leaner but I find I get really hungry especially after a workout and that is the draw back it is very hard to endure the hunger...
- Ken Johns: I’m new to commenting here.I am on the 12th day of a juice and vegetable broth fast and have been doing aerobics on my energetic days.If I decide to do a short juice fast and keep a weightlifting routine is it all right to use whey protein supplements? How do they compare to the...
- Gray Hodge lost 26.5 lbs., healed arthritis, continual colds, bowel problems, poor health. (29)
- Tom Coghill: Hi Lisa, Using bottle juices during fasting commonly causes heartburn. They use lots of citric acid as a preservative.Using a juicer is another world. Tom
- Tom Coghill: Dry fasting is indeed difficult and I never recommend more that 3 days. Two days of dry fasting is my max. I have heard of people doing 10 days but who know if it is the truth. I think the health benefits would diminish after the third day. You have to stay on the couch or in bed....
- Jess: MK Ohh boy you have me worried..what is the reason for doing the dry fast? How close are you to your goal weight? You are correct I did go down the next day when I got up..but that was really disappointing sacrificing and then had no results! But it came down…so far I have been losing...
- MKJJD: Hi Jess Jess it’s okay that you didn’t lose any weight. Do not get discouraged! Just stick to it and the results will come. I was tired of not getting results so I said that I will go on a dry fast! Today is day 2 of my dry fast and I plan on sticking to it until Sunday so that...
- Jess: Hello MK How are things going for ya?