When life wanes into the hollow darkness of death, it will not be the victories, trophies or empires we built that will fill our thoughts but the memories of the ones we love. Your soul will cry out for last moment to share.

Here are all the Bible scriptures that mention fasting
1Ki 21:9 In those letters she wrote: "Proclaim a day of fasting and seat Naboth in a prominent place among the people.
Ne 9:1 On the twenty-fourth day of the same mont

When I was younger, I studied the writings of Confucius, The Tibetan Book of The Dead, Buddhism, Astrology, Tarot and every interesting and weird philosophy I could find. Playing bass for a heavy metal band called Black Mass, I

When life wanes into the hollow darkness of death, it will not be the parties, victories, trophies or empires we built that will fill our thoughts but the last embrace of the ones we love. One last tear-filled moment to share.

Money, medications, material possessions, achievements, good deeds or perfect living cannot buy a clear conscience.It is easy to make excuses, but if you do not believe your own lie, it will be powerless to sooth your conscien

Most people have toxic thoughts filled with negativity, pride and false expectations, stemming from the pain of childhood. When I first saw the futility of my thinking process, the only conclusion I could come to was that I w