Hi! I'm doing a water fast for the first time. My question is this: I'm taking 2 medications for menopause. They are Medroxyprogesterone 2.5 mg and Estradiol 1 mg. I am just starting my 3rd month on these. Should I continue to tak

I'm 15 years old, 5 foot 2 and 116.4 pounds. I know this isn't exactly fat for my age and height. Still, I used to have a great body and eat a lot healthier and I want to do a water fast so I can lose some weight and start wating

This my second water fast, I'm up to a week now and it's going very well, except for this backache when I lay down to sleep.
My first fast last year was 8 days long and I had to stop because of work, and of vomiting bile. W

I have been water fasting for just 8 days now but the last few days I find it is difficult for me to drink the 120-150 oz of water I drank in the beginning. Day 6 only 32 oz. Day 7 58 oz. and so far day 8 under 30 oz. No other

I was wondering how many times a year I can fast for 5 days or more. I did a 21-day water/tea/broth fast in January of this year at a clinic. Also daily mini-colonics every day during the fast. I fasted 4 days in April for a medic

Age 33
Weight and Height 259 5'10"
Type of Fast Water Fast
Any past experience with fasting. None
Reason for the Fast I have had a lot of stress and would like to clear my body of toxins and start

Name: Evergreen
Fasting For:1) Spiritual 2) Health Cleanse 3) Weight Loss
Email: Evergreenpacific@gmail.com
Fasting For:1) Spiritual 2) Health Cleanse 3) Weight Loss
Intended Length of Fast: 10 days would be great

I am about to go on a water fast. Do you still take your vitamins everyday while on a water fast? NO!
Also, how do you pick the length to water fast for? (that depends on available time and your goals.)
I am pretty addic

Ten days of juice fasting followed by 40 day of water fasting.
Weight loss 50 lbs.
I was 50-60 lbs overweight from where I was used to being in high school. I thought my metabolism would allow me to continue eating whatever

Water intoxication (also known as 'hyper-hydration' or water poisoning) is a potentially fatal disturbance in brain functions that results when the normal balance of electrolytes in the body is pushed outside of safe limits by

Overeating after fasting is a common problem. Here are some ideas to deal with overeating after fasting from a person having problems with overeating after fasting.
I would like to do a water fast for healing and weight l