Breuss Fasting for Ovarian Cancer

Hi there my mum with ovarian cancer had hysterectomy and had partially removed the peritoneum.

She has been advised to start Chemo but we are very skeptical about it, especially because she reacts quite badly to medicines in general. Also she is under thyroids medications (for hypothyroid) and eyes drop for glaucoma.

If she decide to go ahead with the Breuss diet can she suspend those medicine?

And also I have read that Breuss himself said that his treatment is for those that do not had operations, chemo, and other invasive treatments. Is something changed? Is there any positive outcome from people that had those interventions with the fasting?

Any comment is really appreciated.

Thanks a lot.

Although there are many testimonials for the Breuss treatment I recommend an a enzyme treatment with the fasting protocol.  I recommend package 6 which is about $1000 USD monthly.  Will will guide it with premium support or you can get support for free on  It is better to cut the thyroid medication during the fast and continue with the eye drops as needed. Please check the cancer center at for our latest research.

Posted on by titti

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