Can I Fast after Gastric Bypass Surgery?

I am a 46 yr old female who had gastric bypass 3 years ago. I lost 110lbs, but have since gained about 25 back. I started water fasting 5 days ago, for religious reasons, but happened upon your site, and have gone out and bought a juicer. I plan to do the juice fast for a while, for weight loss. Is it ok for me, after my surgery, to do this?

Posted on by susan uber

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3 Responses to Can I Fast after Gastric Bypass Surgery?

  1. Tom Coghill says:

    Yes fasting is excellent after gastric surgery for a deeper healing of the stomach and as part of a health program. Alternation juice and water fasting can be the most effective way to fast or start and end a water fast with juicing. We are glad to be of support.

  2. chyara says:

    I too have an RnY gastric bypass close to my 6yr mark. 60lb regain, had a baby 3yrs ago.
    How would i modify the juice fast to avoid the dreaded “dumping Syndrome” [when you consume too much sugar] also i am a type 2 diabetic ‘remission’ due to the bypass. 5.6 A1C.

    How do i gain the knowledge i am seeking.
    I would like to try a 30 day Juice Fast. But need to avoid lots of sugar due to both issues.

    Thank you

  3. Ron says:

    Hi chyara, Stick to herb and veggie juices. You can add an apple or banana for some extra flavor. Just watch your beet and carrot intake, they can be high in sugars. There are recipes on this site for some great veggie drinks. Ron
