Juice Recipes

Joggers Paradise
3 oranges
2 hard pears
1 small yam
Here is a muscle-blasting, power-pushing juice
for joggers. Juice fasters often experience periods of phenomenal
strength and endurance. Clean blood, clean muscles, and enzyme-rich,
nutrient-packed, fuel make for intense aerobic activity. Water fasting
usually requires rest, but not so with juice fasting. Look out! You
can clean your house, run and lift weights with the best of them. Many
elderly fasters such as Ehret and Bragg performed extraordinary feats
of endurance while fasting. Try this juice out on a five-mile jog. Add
a little crushed ice and let your taste buds sing. Sip slowly.
Flying Orange
2 pears
3 pink grapefruit
1 sweet potato
A delicious alcohol free party pleaser that will
blow both socks off. Ask the host if you can take your juicer to the
party. Enjoy an enzyme high without a nasty hangover. It may be more
expensive than beer, but who wants to drink yeast excrement (alcohol)
anyway? Cut loose with the joy of the Spirit. And when all those
social drinkers are drinking to numb the conscious, yours will be free
and clear. And when the fun becomes foolish, you can drive safely home
to rest with a timely excuseI jog at 6 o'clock in the morning.
A Taste of Heaven
2 carrots
1 sweet potato
2 apples
thin slice of Spanish onion
pinch dulse powder
He renews our youthto run and not grow weary.
The Lord renews our strength so that we will mount up on wings like
Its time to let go and let God. To trust, and
have hope. He is with you and will never forsake you. And joy shall
flow from your heart, like a child.
Athletes Super Fuel
1/2 watermelon
1 lemon
5 oranges
1 can frozen pineapple concentrate
So you're just entered the iron
man contest. No more couch baby-sitting for you. Heading for the
threshold of endurance. Developing a discipline like iron that will
keep you running with power toward that finish line. Fixed and
resolute, yet flexible and gentle. Driven and focused, yet child-like
and joyful. Strong, yet dependent on God. Ready those muscles for
training. Stir the soul. Be ready for action like a soldier awaits a
3 hard pears
1 cantaloupe
1 sweet potato
A delightful surprise to both men and women is
the increased vitality of their sexual organs. Juice fasting cleanses
all the organs and when bathed in healing nutritious juices, those
organs become ready and vigorous for the function they were intended.
God made sex to be enjoyed, giving fulfillment to the sacred bond of
marriage. Marriage it is a holy act and pleasing to God. Juice fasting
can bring back the long forgotten sparks. After an exciting night one
woman responded to her 65-year-old husband Honey you should fast
more often! When a husband and wife filled with God's love,
passionately display selfless affection, there is great contentment.
Citrus Slurp
1 grapefruit
1 orange
Citrus juice made from a hand citrus juicer and
a centrifugal force juice extractor can be quite different. The
electric juice extractor produces a thick frothy juice, which is more
tart. The quality and the nutritional value of the two are similar so
it is only a matter of preference.
This is an awesome waker-upper and is healthier
than coffee. It may take a little more time to make, but you will gain
time because of the sharp mind that you will have in whatever you do.
The Hyper House Cleaner
2 yams
1 beet
1 slice Spanish onion
2 lemons
1 celery
slice of ginger
So you're ready to clean house. To scale the
Mount Everest of dust and garbage. To enter the black hole of the
basement. To chop a jungle trail through the kid's bedroom. To reach
into crevices too horrid to imagine. Yes, you need juice. Not just
plain juice, but hyper-housecleaner juice. More powerful than a
janitor in a drum. More thorough than Mr. Clean. Able to leap kid's
toy's in a single bound. Polish up those cleaning utensils and get
ready for an aerobic house-cleaning workout.
Pineapple Piper
1 pineapple
1 sweet potato
4 oranges
This juice is like music to your cells. Let this
amazing juice parade down to belly to the applause of 9000 taste buds.
If a juice can make us feel this good, what will
the glory of entering heaven be like. All of heaven rising to its feet
as you enter, tired, worn, and weary yet filled with joy. The finish
line. The reward and all of heaven stands to their feet. They are
chanting something softly growing louder to a cheer. It is your name.
You may even get a standing ovation.
Race Runner
1 lemon
2 radish
1 beet
1 slice Spanish onion
2 sweet potato
1 celery
2 Tbs. cider vinegar
So you've made the decision to run the race of
heaven. To give it your all. To live without needs or wants. To be a
servant. To deny self. To live in the spirit of peace, kindness, hope
and joy. To war against spiritual realms, praying always. To stilling
the storms of the soul through trusting in God. To be willing to
suffer. Then, here is the juice for you. Make it in the morning just
before a brisk walk of discipline. Make it a walk of war against
doubt, fear, worry, lazy thinking, role-playing and frustration. As
you walk, adjust the face of your soul so that it shines with peace,
love and joy. And do it with all your power and might.
Red Ice
1 beet
1 sweet potato
2 apples
1 lemon
1 tomato
thin slice of Spanish onion
1 garlic clove
1/2 can of frozen apple concentrate
Crush ice or blend with water till slush. Add
juice and get ready to chill out. Cool down those forces of
frustration. Be at peace in the storm. This drink is made to refresh
your cells like the Spirit is made to refresh your soul. Sit back and
consider your blessings. Look at what is with in. You are kind,
loving, encouraging, full of hope and at peace. A sign that God is at
work within.
The Pain Remover
1 lemon
1 orange
3 hard pears
3 apples
Bruises, aches and sprains can be irritated by a
toxic bloodstream and a high-protein diet. But a low-protein, natural
diet, lessens irritation and reduces inflammation. Not only does this
juice taste delightful, it assists in the healing process. Adam and
Eve never woke up stiff with arthritis. Perfect food sustaining
perfect bodies. It is our heritage to be healthy and pain free.
The Brain Stimulator
1 oranges
1 hard pears
1 yam
1 grapefruit
1 apple
Scientists have determined that we use only 10
percent of the brain. Living on coffee and donuts reduces that
percentage to 2 percent. Here is a juice to stimulate all of that
unused percentage back into activity. For this juice to be effective,
you need a five-day juice fast to clear the coffee, donut and junk
food residues out of the bloodstream. Once clear, this wide-spectrum,
nutrient-rich juice will stir the brain into super-activity. Better
memory, sharper thinking and good study techniques are the tools for
great marks. No more morning brain fog. Now you can leap out of bed to
study while brushing your teeth and preparing for the day.
Super Duper Spicy Tomato
3 ripe tomatoes
1/2 green or red pepper
1 celery stock
1 apple
1 Tbs. Good Tasting Yeast
1/2 tsp. onion powder
1/2 Tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. Worcestershire
pinch of freshly ground black pepper
3 drops Louisiana Hot Sauce (optional for the real man)
Do you enjoy bungi jumping? How about sky
diving? If you have an adventurous personality, then this is the
perfect juice for you. When you are fasting, drinking this juice may
make you feel like you have just eaten a large pizza. If you are on a
cleansing fast, eliminate the good tasting yeast.
Fabulous Fennel
1 fennel bulb
1/2 beet with greens
2 apples
If you enjoy the taste of licorice, you will
love fennel. This unusual vegetable looks like fat celery with
feathers. Fennel helps your eyes to increase in sensitivity,
overcoming night blindness. Some have found fennel juice good for
relieving migraine headaches.
Garlic Breath Delight
2 tomatoes
2 apples
1 clove of garlic
sprig of parsley
This bacteria buster means business. Garlic
reduces blood pressure, helps with the problem of blood clotting,
lowering the LDL which increases bad cholesterol. Garlic boosts the
immune system and encourages the recovery of heart attack victims.
Garlic contains allicin which inhibits bacterial growth and fungus,
helping with yeast over-growths, and useful in treating candida.
Garlic increases the flow of digestive enzymes and encourages
detoxification through the skin. The addition of parsley helps in
combating the unpleasant odor of garlic. This juice is worth losing a
few friends over.
The Cancer Killer
1 beet
1 carrot
1 celery stick
1/2 potato
1 radish
Rudolf Breuss's, anticancer mixture has helped
thousands of suffering people. This juice blend, during fasting,
exerts a death blow on cancer. This was attested by over 24,000
patients who wrote him describing relief from their diseases. His
patients were given small amounts of this juice over 42 days. A tea
composed of nettle, St. John's wart, marigold, artemisi and monarda
was also given. By "starving out" the cancer, Rudolf Breuss
reported a 96% success rate for the thousands of patients he treated
over 30 years of practice. (Rudolf Breuss died in 1989 at 93 years of
Its composition is: 55% beet root, 20% celery
root, 20% carrot, 3% potato, 2% radish.
Better Bladder
2 apples
1 1/4 cups of cranberries
Cranberry juice is a powerful
healing tonic, filled with quinine which changes to hippuric acid in
the liver. Hippuric acid is able to assist in the removal of purines,
uric acid, urea and toxic build-up in the prostate gland, testicles,
kidneys and bladder. An excellent preventative juice for North
American men who are battling the increased risk of prostate cancer.
It is a wonderful defense against yeast infections for women. Cut
apples into wedges, seeds and all.
The Niagara Falls Cleanser
1 wedge watermelon
1/2 lb. red grapes
Watermelon rind has chlorophyll,
vitamin A, protein, potassium, zinc, iodine, nucleic acids and enzymes
which aid digestion. Ninety-five percent of the nutritional content in
watermelon is in the rind. The seeds may be a little noisy but are
harmless to the juicer.
You may be curious about the
name. When you put a sloppy wet piece of watermelon in the juicer it
comes out like Niagara Falls. Because watermelon is a great diuretic,
your kidneys and bladder will experience a honeymoon of youthful
If you are short on money,
watermelon juice is the ticket. You can add just about anything to
watermelon juice, so again, we encourage you to have some fun.
Tom's Favorite
one cantaloupe
5 ice cubes
2 Tbs. of Sucanat
dash of cinnamon
Juice the cantaloupe and blend with
cinnamon and ice cubes.
This has become our favorite
drink. Stunningly refreshing and full of flavor. Has more than 15,000
I.U. of vitamin A and over three times the vitamin C content of an
apple. It also contains myoinositol, a lipid which helps with anxiety,
insomnia and in battling hardening of the arteries. It also contains
the greatest amount of digestive enzymes. Melons are recommended by
the American Cancer Society as powerful agents in the fight against
intestinal and skin cancer. Cantaloupe contains approximately 100
calories, yet it is dense in nutrients. This makes melon a perfect
food for healing and weight loss. Delicious, filling and low in